Blood Donation Essay

Superior Essays
Around 41,000 blood donations are needed everyday. 15.7 million blood donations are received in a year in the United States. With there being a constant demand for blood and less than ten percent of the population donating the blood supply can be sufficiently low considering what is needed. There are four types of donations possible, whole blood, platelets, plasma, and double red cells. Blood drives and donations are highly impacting and important to many people in various communities, while donors also receive some health benefits as well.

The Process
Donating blood is a clean and simple process that a person can easily integrate into one’s frequent schedule. The donation process consists of four simple steps, registration, medical
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A whole blood donation is when all components of the blood are taken then later separated. Platelet donations are when an apheresis machine collects platelets and some plasma, but returns the red cells and most of the plasma to the donor. A plasma donation is when the same machine is used, but the plasma is taken and the platelets and red cells return to the donor. Double red cell donations are the most transfused blood component and the same machine is used, but the plasma and platelets are returned to the donor (American Red Cross).
After the donation is finished the blood is separated into three components, plasma, platelets, and red cells then properly typed, tested for transmitted infections, then stored according to and shipped to hospitals and patients in need (Memorial Blood Centers). This entire process is essential for ensuring that the blood from donors is safe and that the right blood type is available for patients according to their conditions. The donation process for blood is simple and harmless. The efficiency and simplicity should promote more people to donate and support blood drives in
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Some reasons for donations are for regular patients, transplants, surgeries, illnesses, disabilities, and many more. Blood is needed most for accident patients, surgery patients, and premature infants. Despite the amount of donors, the “demand for blood is constant,” but the “supply is not” (Memorial Blood Centers). The donation of blood can also affect the donor’s health. By donating, the risk of heart attacks and cancer are lessened, 650 calories a pint is burnt and the iron levels in the blood is lessened. Donating blood is beneficial to patients in hospitals and to the donor by helping maintain health by donating

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