The first reason I believe Adnan is guilty is the breakup that Adnan and Hae had. This reason makes sense because Adnan was feeling heartbroken and that he had told 4 of his friends that he was going to kill Hae. This part of the story is when Adnan’s friends got interviewed by Sarah Koenig and said the same thing Adnan had told Jay and his friends “I’m going to kill Hae.” this proves that he is guilty because you already know what Adnan was going to do to Hae. Therefore, Adnan is guilty because of what he had told his friends. Adnan wasn’t happy about the breakup. Jay had told Sarah …show more content…
This reason makes sense because Hae died at 2:35pm and track practice didn’t start until 3:00pm or 3:30pm so had an hour to do something like to kill Hae. This part of the story is when is when they talked to him on the phone and asked him about track practice. “Track practice didn’t start until 3:00 or 3:30pm so we had an hour of free time.” This proves that he is guilty because the coach didn’t confirm that he was at track practice at that time. Therefore, Adnan is guilty because he said that he was at track practice after he went to the library to check his e-mails, but the track coach didn’t see him there. Also, Hae died at 2:35pm so I’m guessing he had time to kill Hae after