Adam B Summerss Rhetorical Analysis

Improved Essays
English Diagnostic Essay
Adam B. Summers wrote a persuasive editorial, “Bag Ban Bad for freedom and Environment,” using many persuasive details to make his argument. Summers is able to appeal and relate to his audience. The different tactics that Summers uses is rallying pronouns, hard, cold facts, and extensive support and diction. The author writes about how banning plastic bags is hurtful to the world and economy in many ways.
With deliberate thought, Summers chooses words like “us” or “our”, in the first paragraph. By incorporating these words, Summers displays he can relate well with the common audience. This would encourage readers he is on their side. Summers chooses to rally people together, to find a common audience. Manipulating with words that unify, Summers
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Summers opts for facts on his claims to support his ideas, not personal opinions. Summers, exhibiting facts from American agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, also adds percentage statistics and other data. This tactic manifests an author and an opinion an audience could trust. The facts would back up Summers’ reasoning and the source could confirm accountability. Although, it is not enough to have facts to support Summers' opinion. The argument required more for credibility. Summers needed data to counter the other issues that were against his opinion. The reusable bag is an alternative to plastic, an alternative with more problems than benefits. Summer addresses this but gave statistical data on this countering opinion. “San Francisco’s plastic bag ban in 207 resulted in a subsequent spike in hospital emergency room visits due to E.coli, salmonella, and campylobacter-related intestinal infectious diseases.” Not only that, but Summers expresses why this counter opinion can not exceed his. Hard facts and examples, or any type of evidence would be useful in a persuasive argument. Summers use these

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