Activity About Stress

Decent Essays
Empirical Research Activity: Measuring the relationship between stress, health problems and coping Strategies.


Introduction: Stress is the body’s response to the threatening or challenging events or situations characterised by prolonged levels of psychological arousal, an increase in blood pressure or breathing rate. Stress had positive and negative effects. One of the positive effects of Stress is motivation; it can enhance our performance in certain tasks. This research activity focuses on the negative aspects of stress and the harmful aspects of stress. Stress does not necessarily cause illness, a strong positive relationship has been established between being stressed and having an increased likelihood of developing a psychological
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Procedure: The Psychology A Foundations Studies had to participate in this small experiment to see if there is a relationship between Stress and Health Problems. The experimenter gave the short questionnaire to the participants, this questionnaire contained LCU scores the participants had to calculate depending on how much stress the participant faced during the last 10 months. The participants were given a few minutes in class to complete this short activity. The experimenter collected the entire answered questionnaire and then complied all the results of both the Psychology A students. The experimenter calculated the total participants, then mean, median and range for both group 1 and 2, the median of, Response or Strategy to Deal with Stress was also calculated for both the

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