Children have a certain navie trust . Although knowing the difference between right and wrong a child can be easily manipulated into doing what’s wrong . This is displayed in the book when the soldiers tell Ishmael Beah and the other child soldiers if they …show more content…
Sometimes I catch myself thinking about how life was before I stopped being a kid . Realizing that the world isn't made up of fairytales and dreams . Instead it's made up of people all looking for the the same thing, happiness. When thoughts that like that go through my brain , I stop to think about how amazing life is. Life is filled with happiness found everyday in the people and little things that I love. Life gives people the chance to think about how lucky they actually are . The book showed that not everyone has the opportunity to have had an amazing childhood, those people live their life in a way that most people strive. The way they look at life is with happiness and being thankful for what shaped them to become who the are today