Mrs. Swarm
Good Morning Bernardo Yorba Class of 2018! I can’t believe it has already been 2 years since we stepped foot onto the BYMS campus for the first time. It seems like only yesterday that we were seventh graders, trying to find our next class, fighting the locks on our P.E. lockers, and looking so clueless to the returning 8th graders. And now we are those 8th graders, the rulers of the school, who are now here, counting down the minutes before we are released to summer and the next step of life, high school. Yet, as we stand here, counting down those minutes, I know we all can’t help looking back to our moments here at BYMS.
Last year, when we were seventh graders, we all had one goal; to get through the big and scary middle school. Every day, we calculated the number of seconds before the bell set us free. But soon, as the year went on, as friendships grew, and as good memories were made, we quickly stopped counting the seconds. Instead, we started to reluctantly count down the quarters, and then the days, and then the hours, before school ended, not wanting it to end. And before we knew it, it was the last day of school, and our seventh grade year was over. …show more content…
We came back into middle school as the returning eighth graders, the rulers of the school. We knew where all the classrooms were, how to work the lockers, and how the puzzled seventh graders felt. And while we still calculated the time, it was for a different reason. Instead of knowing the number of weeks until school ended, we knew the number of days until the next dance where we could have fun with our friends, or the next theme week where we could dress up and create fun memories. And before we knew it, just like seventh grade, the last day is