Most students carry a purse or backpack, which can be searched at a teacher or administrator’s discretion. In most cases, teachers do not search but rather report their suspicion(s) to an administrator. Now with the mass influx of technology, this decision will also affect students’ use of cell phones and other electronic devices that store information. It will be interesting to see if the decision in this case also applies to going through a student’s personal information, such as messages on a laptop or cell phone. The decision in New Jersey v. T.L.O. still stands that that school administrators don't need to have a search warrant or probable cause before conducting a search because students have a reduced expectation of privacy when in
Most students carry a purse or backpack, which can be searched at a teacher or administrator’s discretion. In most cases, teachers do not search but rather report their suspicion(s) to an administrator. Now with the mass influx of technology, this decision will also affect students’ use of cell phones and other electronic devices that store information. It will be interesting to see if the decision in this case also applies to going through a student’s personal information, such as messages on a laptop or cell phone. The decision in New Jersey v. T.L.O. still stands that that school administrators don't need to have a search warrant or probable cause before conducting a search because students have a reduced expectation of privacy when in