"This Subcontract [Subsubcontract] and any subcontract between Subcontractor [Subsubcontractor] and any of its lower-tier subcontractors may be assigned to CMA without the consent of Subcontractor [Subsubcontractor] or any of its lower-tier subcontractors provided, however, with respect to each construction equipment rental or lease agreement, Subcontractor [Subsubcontractor] shall only be obligated to use its best efforts to include a provision that …show more content…
When duly assigned in accordance with the foregoing, this EPC Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the assignee, and all obligations of CMA shall become obligations of the assignee. Except as provided above and in GC-42.8, neither party may assign this EPC Contract to another party without prior written consent of the other Party hereto. When duly assigned in accordance with the foregoing, this EPC Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the assignee, and all obligations of the assigning party shall become obligations of the assignee. No such assignment shall relieve the other Party of any of its obligations or liabilities under this EPC Contract, unless consent in writing to such assignment has been provided.
42.10 Any assignment not in accordance with this Article shall be void and without force or effect, and any attempt to assign this EPC Contract in violation of this provision shall grant the non-assigning Party the right, but not the obligation, to terminate this EPC Contract at its option for