The first personal computer, the IBM PC was released in 1981. This was a big step in technological advancement because it created an entirely new industry that didn’t exist before. Not to mention the fact that it changed the way people learned and could work, and it was the beginning of what is now an expectation that everyone has their own computer. Also in 1981, the space shuttle Columbia was launched from the United States. This event was a significant moment for the U.S. because despite it’s burning upon reentry which some might have called a failure, it was the first space shuttle to be launched from anywhere in the world. Since then, many other shuttles have been sent into space, each more complex than the last. Columbia provided an entirely new method of space exploration and was an extremely proud moment in United States
The first personal computer, the IBM PC was released in 1981. This was a big step in technological advancement because it created an entirely new industry that didn’t exist before. Not to mention the fact that it changed the way people learned and could work, and it was the beginning of what is now an expectation that everyone has their own computer. Also in 1981, the space shuttle Columbia was launched from the United States. This event was a significant moment for the U.S. because despite it’s burning upon reentry which some might have called a failure, it was the first space shuttle to be launched from anywhere in the world. Since then, many other shuttles have been sent into space, each more complex than the last. Columbia provided an entirely new method of space exploration and was an extremely proud moment in United States