The cast of 16 & Pregnant have the financial support that most teen moms do not have in reality. When looking at the everyday teen moms in today’s society they are working very hard to support their children. It is very hard for these teen to get jobs, …show more content…
If these teen moms receive the family support they need their journey would be much easier than those that don’t. When looking at 16 & Pregnant you see a lot of support from family. These teens have families that step up when they are needed most. These families may take on the parental role, help financially or be there for the teen moms mentally and emotionally. The moms not only have the support of their family but also the support of their spouse. The real reality of all this is that public see a lot of teen moms that lack support from their family or their spouse. Teens seek their families’ approval but it’s hard for most to receive. Most of the spouses in reality walk out on the young moms, show lack of support or just never was there for the mom. There may not always be support in these young moms’ lives from family, spouses or any other person.
Publicity is when something is publically brought the attention of millions that will listen, look, or even read. The cast members and the people they are surrounded by know they are being watched, so they have an image to maintain. When people know they are being watched they portray a different side of their story. 16 & Pregnant cast members have the opportunity, to falsely glamorize the truth of being a teen mom. In reality teen moms can’t hide the truth. The teen moms in reality do not have an audience looking at their