Question 39. When working as a home based childcare you will undertake observations and assessments of the children in …show more content…
120 words what you can learn by watching children play and create a re-source that will assist you in the future when undertaking observations on children’s learn-ing and development that explains how observations are used in the following situations:
• to plan for individual children’s needs when you know what a child enjoys, knows and can do, you can promote their learning in other ways through your planning.
• for early intervention when you observe your notes, what children cannot yet do and if there is a concern that they are not making good progress.
• to review the environment what changes can you make to better support children's learning? Your observation will tell you what the child might need to support them in the future e.g. more resources, better space for their games
• during transition are the children upset / frightened / worried / excited? Are they ready for the transition? How can you support them to manage the transition better? My observation can be shared with parents and offer them reassurance that their child’s needs are being met.
• when working in partnership sharing observation with parents - observation you have done and observation from home so chil-dren's outcomes are