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79 Cards in this Set

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split-plot ANOVA
"mixed" - used when design includes both between groups and within subjects comparisons
when would you use a T-test?
comparing 2 means
what is the Mann-Whitney U test
compares rank-ordered data from 2 independent variables
(Mann, Whitney, You R RANK)
Solomon 4-groups design
evaluate impact of pretesting on internal and external validity
mean of 50, SD = 10
What are the Taylor-Russell Tables
provide information on a test's decision-making accuracy for various combinations of base rates, selection ratios, and validity coefficients
what is alexithymia
inability to describe one's own feelings
lack of awareness of one's own disability or illness
sensory perception associated with skin, muscles, joints, and viscera
Albert Ellis is associated with what kind of therapy?
describe blocking
2 different CS are paired with the US
what is Fielder's contingency theory of leadership
worker's performance depends on interaction between leader's leadership style (LPC) and the favorableness of the situation. High LPC leaders best in very favorable or unfavorable situations. Low LPS leaders best in moderately favorable situations
Sensate focus
master's & johnson - pairing pleasurable sensations with performance anxiety in order to reduce the anxiety - a form of counterconditioning
differential validity
when a predictor has different validity coefficients for members of different groups
differential selection
threat to internal validity
16 PF
16 personality factor questionnaire - factor analysis to categorize adjectives that describe personality traits
California Psychological Inventory - measure of normal personality traits for adolescents and adults
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (used Murray's 15 needs)
NEO personality inventory - assesses 5 big personality traits
Functional Analysis
associated with behavior assessment and involves identifying the antecedents and consequences of a target behavior - looks at controlling variables
symptoms of hyperglycemia
fatigue,polydipsia,polyuria,polyphagia,weight loss, poor wound healing & recurrent infections
adrenal insufficiency
(Addison's disease) - lo production of cortisol by adrenal glands. symptoms are weight loss, orthostatic hypotension, weakness, fatigue, and hyperpigmentation
low parathyroid levels. Symptoms - muscle cramping & twitching, tingling in lips and fingers, hair loss & dry skin
zeigarnik effect
tendency for interrupted and unfinished tasks to be remembered better tahn completed ones in under non-stressful conditions
hawthorne effect
tendency of research partcipants to behave differently simply because they are participating in research
Rosenthal effect
"self-fulfilling prophecy" effect
Von Restorff effect
tendency to pay attention to or or recall stimuli that are distinct from other stimuli
eating, seizure & anxiety d/o, motor control, vision & sleep.
Low GABA = anxiety d/o
High GABA - Huntington's disease
Hersey & Blanchard's situational leadership model
a leader is most effective when her leadership style matches subordinates' ability & motivation.
mediates wide range of autonomic, endocrine, and behavioral functions including emotional states, the sleep-wake cycle, hunger & thirst, sexual behavior, reproduction & temperature
3 parts of hindbrain
influences flow of information to & frm the spinal cord & brain. coordinates basics like swallowing, coughing, blood pressure, etc.
integrates right & left side of the body
balance, posture & coordinated & refined motor movements (timing, coordination & correction of these acts)
sensorimotor learning, shifting attention
abnormalities associated with autism, schizophrenia & ADHD & ataxia
3 parts of midbrain
colliculi (superior & inferior)
substantia nigra
reticular formation
superior & inferior colliculi
routes for visual and auditory information
substantia nigra
motor activity & reward system
reticular formation
respiration, vomiting, posture, locomotion, REM sleep
reticular activating system - vital to consciousness, arousal & wakefulness. Screens sensory input
motor activity, langauge & memory. Relay station for all but olfaction
hunger, thirst, sleep, body temperature, movement & emotional reactions, maintains homeostasis
basal ganglia
planning, organizing & coordinating voluntary movements & regulating amplitude and direction of motor activities
memory & emotion
integrates, coordinates & directs motivational and emotional actvities, attaches emotions to memories & is involved in recall of emotionally charged experiences
learning and memory, spatial, verbal & visual information & consolidating declarative memories
cingulate cortex
attention, emotion, perception & subjective experience of pain
acetylcholine (ACh)
muscle contractions
REM sleep & regulation of sleep-wake cycle
learning & memory
degeneration = Alzheimers
personality, mood, memory & sleep
Dopamine hypothesis - schizophrenia due to high dopamine
movement regulation
High Dopamine = Tourrette's
Low Dopamine = Parkinson's
social phobia
mood, attention, dreaming, learning, & some autonomic functions.
Catecholamine hypothesis - depression is due to low levels of Norepinephrine
mood, hunger, temperature regulation, sexual activity, sleep, aggression & migranes
High Serotonin = schizophrenia, autism, food restriction
Low Serotonin- aggression, depression, suicide, bulimia, PTSD & OCD
social phobia
learning & memory - LTP (LT memory)
What is agnosia?
an inability to recognize familiar objects
What are the symptoms of Kluver - Bucy Syndrome?
agnosia, lowered fear, increased docility, compulsive oral behaviors, markedly different dietary habits & ypersexuality
what is dysaphia?
impaired sense of touch
what is principal component analysis?
factors (components) are extracted so that the 1st factor reflects the greatest amount of variability, 2nd one the 2nd greatest variability, etc.
what are the 2 types of communication networks?
decentralized (no on eindividual has greater access to information) - best for comples, unstructured tasks with several solutions. AND centralized
what are the 4 types of brain waves & associated states?
Alpha - relaxed wakefulness
Beta - alert wakefulness
Delta - deep sleep
Theta - deeply relaxed and drowsy (stage 2 sleep)
what is LISREL
a structured equation (causal) modeling technique used to test causal hypotheses about relationships among measured variables and the latent traits those variables are believed to measure. Incorporates both measured attributes and latent traits
Path analysis model
predict causal relationships among measured attributes only
Acetycholine (ACh)
linked to several functions including control of skeletal and smooth muscles, learning & memory, and the activities of the parasympathetic nervous system
decreases alertness & increases duration of sleep
`Implicated in development of psychotic disorders
Beck's cognitive theory
"depressive cognition triad" - negative illogical self-statements about oneself, the world & the future
produce effects similar to neurotransmitters
discriminant analysis
involves using scores on 2+ predictors to predict an individual's membership in a criterion group (used when criterion is a nominal scale)
Kohlberg's model of gender-role acquisition
1) Gender identity (2-3yo)
2) Gender stability (4yo)
3) Gender constancy (6-7yo)
Implosive therapy
having client repeatedly imagine a feared (CS) stimulus in the absence of the stimulus that initially invoked the fear (US) to eliminate the fear response
Ascending reticular activating system - acts as a sensory screeing system that rouses the brain whenever important information needs to be processed
frontal lobe
emotion, language, memory, & higher order cognitive abilities
memory conslidation
substantia nigra
part of basal ganglia and is involved i movement and certain types of learning.
Abnormalities in this area are associated with Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, & epilepsy
legal term describing certain specific types of relationships that enjoy protection from discolsure in legal proceedings
Kuder Occupational Interest Inventory
provides scores on 4 scales - occupational, college major, vocational interest estimates & dependability indices
leniancy bias
type of rater bias involving giving ratees high ratings on eac dimension of performance regardless of actual performance. Can be alleviated by using relative rating scales like foreced distribution scale
relative rating scales
AKA comparative. Require rater to compare 2+ employees
Paired Comparison
Forced distribution - like crading on a curve. Involves assigning ratees to limited # of categories based on a predefined normal distribution on 1+ dimensions of job performance.
Absolute measures
critical incident
forced choice
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
Antisocial personality d/o
at least 18yo
evicence of conduct prior to 15 yo
at least 3 sympoms involving violation of others' rights since 15yo
what are the 2 theories of color vision?
Trichromatic - eyes have 3 kinds of receptors (RGB).
Opponent Process Theory - 3 sets of cones b/w, r/g, y/b
constructional apraxia
inability to copy or draw figures or arrange blocks oin a pattern. Usually caused by damage to the parietal lobe
4 types of group tasks
compensatory - group's performance is average of the effort or performance of individuals
disjunctive - group selects solution from group members' proposals
conjunctive - act in unison. limited by weakest group member
additive - sum of all
selection ratio
usefulness of a selection test for making hiring decisions is affected by 3 factors: validity coefficient, selection ratio & base rate. A predictor's incremental validity is maximized when base rate is close to 50% and selective ration is low