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7 Cards in this Set

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A Mayday situation will be recognized as any of the below: (4)

1. Any situation that places an immediate and definite threat to the life of firefighters

2. Any situation in which firefighters are injured on the fireground/IDLH

3. Any situation where firefighters experience a life threatening medical emergency on the fireground/IDLH

4. Any situation where firefighters cannot remove themselves from the fireground/IDLH

A Mayday transmission shall be comprised of the following information delivered in the following order using the Acronym LIPA: (5)

1. Location - simple physical description indicating where the firefighter or firefighters experiencing the mayday situation are

2. Identification - name or radio designation of the firefighter or firefighters that are experiencing the mayday situation

3. Problem - simple description of the problem causing the mayday situation

A Mayday transmission shall be comprised of the following information delivered in the following order using the Acronym LIPA: (5) Cont'd...

4. Actions - simple description of the actions being taken, if any, to resolve the mayday situation

5. PAR and Air Status - personnel accountability report and air status as described in the air management SOG

A Mayday can be delivered by any of the following personnel: (6)

1. The firefighter experiencing the mayday

2. Any member of a crew where firefighters are experiencing a mayday

3. Any IC aware of a mayday

4. Any ISO aware of a mayday

5. Any firefighter aware of a mayday that a mayday has not been delivered for

6. Any communicator aware of a mayday that a mayday has not been delivered for

The initial focus for mitigating a mayday shall be on self-rescue and or crew assisted rescue. If it is apparent that this is not possible then every reasonable effort will be made by the firefighters experiencing the mayday situation to support the other hazard zone or On-Deck crews in resolving their mayday situation by: (4)

1. Making every attempt to orient themselves to their environment

2. Make contact with personnel trying to locate them via radio, voice or making noise to assist that crew

3. Preparing themselves for movement (SCBA conversion, moving objects)

4. Updating the IC of any change to their status

The IC shall utilize the Help Order to mitigate any and all mayday situations, this means that crews will be contacted in the following order to determine who can help solve the problem: (3)

1. First - the crew who transmitted the mayday

2. Second - the other hazard zone crews beginning with the closest to the crew who initiated the mayday

3. Third - the On-Deck crew

The IC or Sector Boss shall acknowledge any Mayday transmission by performing the following priority actions: (3)

1. Confirm Mayday - acknowledge personnel who transmitted the mayday, and confirm info and receipt of mayday transmission

2. Control All Communications - initiate emergency traffic for the duration of the mayday

3. Confirm Resources - support personnel in Mayday situation by proactively giving them what they need