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5 Cards in this Set

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The FUR shall include the following information in order: (6)

1. 360° size-up status (complete, not complete)

2. Accountability location

3. Any critical changes to building, scene or problem description

4. Any changes to the IAP

5. Conformation of strategy

6. Resource determination

IC1 may not be able to complete a 360° size-up before entering the hazard zone due to the following circumstances only: (3)

1. Need for immediate action relating to life safety such as civilian rescue

2. Size of hazard Zone or potential hazard zone is too large

3. Physical obstacle such as fence, vehicles, ect.

The IC shall communicate any critical changes to the building, scene or problem description in the follow up report, including, but not limited to the following: (6)

1. Buildings with differing elevations on opposite sides of the structure (walk out basement)

2. Fire in a location or fire conditions other than that originally reported in the IRR

3. Building features or structural instability that challenge the completion of our tactical Priorities (limited access to interior, buildings under construction or reno, potential collapse area, unstable roof, heavy roof coverings)

The IC shall communicate any critical changes to the building, scene or problem description in the follow up report, including, but not limited to the following: (6) Cont'd...

4. Anything that would change the size of the structure as described in the IRR

5. Any exposure issues not reported in the IRR, including swimming pools

6. Any utility hazards (Power lines down or arcing, compromised gas meter, alternative power supplies, compressed gas/liquid tanks)

The IC shall communicate any changes to the IAP in the FUR including: (3)

1. Any change to the task originally reported in the IRR

2. Any change to the location of the task as originally reported in the IRR

3. Any change to the objective as originally reported in the IRR