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16 Cards in this Set

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The 1st Arriving IC shall:

Initiate the IMS, conduct a 360° size up, and request additional resources as required

The IC shall: (6)

1. Request additional resources as required

2. Conduct a 360° size up

3. Ensure an ISO is formally assigned

4. Define the hazard zone, isolate bystanders to the cold zone and control entry to the warm zone

The IC shall: (6) Cont'd

5. Ensure traffic control is provided

6. Ensure hazards are identified and controlled before extrication activities begin

The 2nd arriving officer (normally Rescue 1) shall: (2)

1. Act as the ISO within the hazard/warm zones

2. Liaise with NEMS ensuring necessary exchange of information to support patient care and extrication process

The initial arriving crew shall focus on the following order of priorities: (4)

1. Identifying all hazards and making every reasonable attempt to isolate them

2. Identify number of patients, their entrapment status, and provide required medical attention

3. Initiating and completing all vehicle stabilization

4. Initiating and completing all hazard controls: fire, battery disconnect, fluid control, glass management

What must also be done by the 1st arriving crew?

1. A dry 45 mm attack line, at a minimum, shall be laid at all incidents which a hazard zone is declared to perform extrication. Shall be laid from the 1st arriving pump from a foam supplied pre-connect when available

Minimum distances from an object in contact with a utility wire until Horizon confirms it has been isolated: (2)

1. 3 M - for FD and other emergency service personnel

2. 6 M - for civilian bystanders

1st Arriving Pump Procedures -

The first arriving pump shall be positioned on arrival to: (2)

1. Act as the fire ground pump

2. Provide protection from and control of traffic, allow access for Rescue 1 and NEMS

1st Arriving Pump Procedures -

The officer shall perform the following: (3)

1. Initiate IMS by providing an IRR and a FUR

2. Perform a 360° of the scene

3. Ensure traffic control is provided along with control of the hot, warm and cold zones

2nd Arriving Pump Procedures -

The officer shall perform the following: (2)

1. Meet with the IC, and the ISO to confirm the IAP for extrication

2. Coordinate extrication activities in the hazard zone

Hazard Control -

Personnel shall make every attempt to ensure that hazards are identified and controlled. In order to provide focus for personnel in identifying and controlling hazards, the following 3 areas of stabilization are recognized:

1. Scene Stabilization

2. Vehicle Stabilization

3. Victim Stabilization

Scene Stabilization Priorities: (3)

1. Ensure that all unessential bystanders are removed to the cold zone

2. Identifying downed or damaged utility wires and services. Maintain necessary protection distances

3. Provide adequate traffic control in order to protect personnel

Vehicle Stabilization Priorities: (4)

1. Ensuring cribbing or Stabilization struts are used when required

2. Electrical system isolation or shut down of all vehicles

3. Glass management for the protection of patients

4. Identifying potential hidden hazards within the vehicle by removing inner trim

Victim Stabilization Priorities: (3)

1. Identify the number of patients involved in the incident and severity of their injuries

2. Making contact and assessing patients inside of vehicles before the extrication process begins to provide necessary care

3. Protecting patients from further harm as a result of extrication activities

Can we direct traffic?

Fire department personnel shall not physically direct traffic using hand signals. This essential task is reserved for NRP, OPP

As required by the Crew Procedures, Vehicle Extrication SOG, Rider 1 on the 1st arriving pump shall perform 4 things: (4)

1. Deploy and operate the attack line when fire control is required

2. Initiate vehicle stabilization

3. Support hazard control

4. Operate tools, assist with extrication only when the 3 above tasks have been completed