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157 Cards in this Set

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apprehension over an anticipated problem
a reaction to immediate danger
some anxiety can be __
What fall under the anxiety disorder category for the DSM V
specific phobia
social anxiety disorder
panic disorder
generalized anxiety disorder
what fall under the trauma and stessor related dissorders?
acute stress disorder
posttraumatic stress disorder
what falls under the OCD dissorders?
obsessive compulsive disorder
what 3 things you must see for each anxiety disorder:
-symptoms must inferfere with important areas of funcitoning
-symptoms not caused by a drug /medical condition
-cannot be from a symptom from another dissorder
3 proposed DSM 5 criteria for specific phobias
-marked and disproportionate fear consistently triggered by specific objects or situations
-symptoms last for 6 months
a disproportionate fear caused by a specific object or situation
specific phobia
fear of unfamiliar people or social scrutiny
social anxiety disorder
apprehension over an anticipated problem
a reaction to immediate danger
some anxiety can be __
What fall under the anxiety disorder category for the DSM V
specific phobia
social anxiety disorder
panic disorder
generalized anxiety disorder
what fall under the trauma and stessor related dissorders?
acute stress disorder
posttraumatic stress disorder
what falls under the OCD dissorders?
obsessive compulsive disorder
what 3 things you must see for each anxiety disorder:
-symptoms must inferfere with important areas of funcitoning
-symptoms not caused by a drug /medical condition
-cannot be from a symptom from another dissorder
3 proposed DSM 5 criteria for specific phobias
-marked and disproportionate fear consistently triggered by specific objects or situations
-symptoms last for 6 months
a disproportionate fear caused by a specific object or situation
specific phobia
fear of unfamiliar people or social scrutiny
social anxiety disorder
anxiety about panic attacks
panic disorder
anxiety about being in places wehre escaping or getting help would be difficult if anxiety symptoms occured
uncontrollable worry for at least 3 months
generalized anxiety disorder
proposed DSM5 criteria for social anxiety disorder (4)
-marked and disproportionate fear consistently triggered by exposure to potential socail scrutiny
-anxiety about being evaluated negatively
-symptoms for at least 6 months
frequent panic attacks that are unrelated to specific situations and by worry about having more panic attacks
panic disorder
a sudden attack of intense apprehension terror, and feelings of impending doom, accoumpanied by at least 4 symptoms
panic attack
a feeling of being outside ones body
a feeling of the worlds not being real
panic attacks that are unexpected
uncued attacks
panic attacks clearly triggered by specific situations
cued panic attacks
proposed DSM 5 criteria for panic dissorder 2
-recurrent uncued panic attacks
-1 month of concern about having attacks
in the DSM IV TR agoraphobia is a subtype of __
panic disorder
more than __ of people diagnosed with agorophobia reported no symptoms of panic attacks
the central feature of generalized anxiety disorder is __
people with generalized anxiety disorder are persistently worried, often about __
minor things
worry about relationships, health, finances, and daily hassles are worries of __
GAD typically beings in __
once it develops, GAD is often __
more than __ of people with one anxiety disorder meet the criteria for another anxiety disorder during their life
comorbidity within the anxiety disorders is particularly pronounced in __
__% of people who meet the DSM 4 TR criteria for GAD wll meet criteria for another anxiety diosrder
symptoms that do not meet full diagnositc criteria
subthreshold symptoms
propposed DSM 5 criteria for GAD (4)
-anxiety for at least 50% of days
-worry for at least 3 months
-relessness, fatigued, and irritable
the sympotms used to diagnose the various anxiety disorders __
some etiological facotrs like certain neruobiological or personality characterisitcs may__ risk for more than one anxiety disorder
anxiety disorders are highly __
__ of people with anxiety disorders meet the diagnostic criteria for at least one other psycholocial disorder
__% of people in treatment for anxiety disorders meet the diagnostic criteria for major depression
men with high levels of phobic symptoms are __x more likely to develop coronary heart disease
women are __x as likely as men to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder
men are less vulnerable to anxiety becuase they were raised to believe more in their __
personal control over situations
men face more __ to face fears than women
social pressure
women are more vulnerable to anxiety because they experience different __ than men
life circumstances
women are more vulnerable to anxiety because they are more likely to be __
raped/sexually abused
people in every culture experience anxiety disorders (T/F)
2 steps of development of an anxiety disorder according to Mowrer
1. through classical conditions person learns to fear neutral stimulus paired with an intrinsically aversive stimulus
2. operant conditioning gains relief by aviding stimulus, avoidant response maintined b/c of reinforcement
specific phobias, social anxiety, GAD, and PTSD have a __% herritability rate
panic dissorder has a __% herribability rate
a set of brian sturctures called the __ are invilved when people are feeling axious or fearful
fear circuit
part of the fear circuit that seems partically activated among people with anxiety disorders
the __ is important in helping regulate amygdala activity
medial prefrontal cortex
for infants a tendency to become agitated and cry when face with novel toys, people, or other stimuli
behavioral inhibition
__% of infants from 14 months to 7.5 years showed elevated behavioral inhibition levels, __% showed low levels
45, 15
personality trait defined by the tendency to react to events with greater than average negative affect
people with high levels of neuroticism were __x as likely to develop an anxiety disorder
cognitive factors of anxiety: (3)
-sustained negative beliefs about the future
-percieved lack of control
-attention to threat
__% of people report a severe life event beofre the onset of an anxiety disorder
the __ in the brain is important to panic disorder
locus coeruleus
the neurotransmitter __ is important in panic disorder
classical conditioning of panic attacks in response to bodily sensations
interoceptive conditioning
cognitive perspectives of panic disorder focus on catastrophinc misinterpretations of __
somatic changes
a test which measures the extent to which people respond fearfully to their bodily sensations
anxiety sensitivity index
development of agoraphobia appears to be related to __ and __
genetic vulnerabiltiy and life events
suggests that agoraphobia is driven by negative thoughts about the consequences of experiencing anxiety in public
fear of fear hypothesis
the main neurotransmitter involved with GAD is __
fewer than __% of people with anxiety disorders recieve even minamally adequate treatmen
the first widely used exposure treatment for anxiety disorders
systematic desensitization
exposure treatments often include __ exposure to feared objects
in vivo
__ is an effective treatment for SAD
small groups
based on the tendencey of poeple with panic disorder to overreact to the bodily sensations discussed.
panic control therory (PCT)
drugs that reduce anxiety
2 kinds of medication most commonly used for treatment of anxiety disorders
serotonin norepinepherine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI)
generally, __ are prefered over benzodiazepines for treatment of anxiety
symptoms of OCD and other related disorders often __
symptoms of OCD and other related disorders often __
about __ of peopole with body dysmorphic disorder meet criteria for OCD
about __ of peopole with body dysmorphic disorder meet criteria for OCD
__ of people with hoarding disorder will meet diagnositc criteria for OCD
__ of people with hoarding disorder will meet diagnositc criteria for OCD
characteriezed by repetitive, intrusie, uncontrollable thoughts or urges, and repetitive behaviors that the person feels compelled to perform
obsessive compulsive disorder
characteriezed by repetitive, intrusie, uncontrollable thoughts or urges, and repetitive behaviors that the person feels compelled to perform
obsessive compulsive disorder
intrusive and recurring thoughts, images, or impulses that are persistent and uncontrollable and that usually appear irrational to the person experienceing them
intrusive and recurring thoughts, images, or impulses that are persistent and uncontrollable and that usually appear irrational to the person experienceing them
repetitive clearly excessive behaviors that the person feels driven to perform to reduce teh anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts.
repetitive clearly excessive behaviors that the person feels driven to perform to reduce teh anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts.
OCD tends to begin either before age __ or in __
10, late adolesence
OCD tends to begin either before age __ or in __
10, late adolesence
among adults, about __% meet the criteria for OCD a year
among adults, about __% meet the criteria for OCD a year
OCD is more common in __
OCD is more common in __
OCD is a __ disroder
OCD is a __ disroder
more than __ of people with OCD meet criteria for comorbid anxiety disorders during their lifetime
more than __ of people with OCD meet criteria for comorbid anxiety disorders during their lifetime
proposed criteria for DSM5 on OCD (1)
-obsessions or compusions that are time consuming
proposed criteria for DSM5 on OCD (1)
-obsessions or compusions that are time consuming
proposed criteria for DSM5 on body dysmorphic disorder (3)
-preoccupatoins with a percieved defect/appearance
-performing repetitive acts seeking reassurance
-preoccupation not restircted to weight/body fat
proposed criteria for DSM5 on body dysmorphic disorder (3)
-preoccupatoins with a percieved defect/appearance
-performing repetitive acts seeking reassurance
-preoccupation not restircted to weight/body fat
on average, pepole with BDD think about their appearance for __ - __ hours per day
3, 8
on average, pepole with BDD think about their appearance for __ - __ hours per day
3, 8
about __ of people with BDD describe delusions about their apperance
about __ of people with BDD describe delusions about their apperance
BDD is more common in __
BDD is more common in __
BDD has a prevalance rate of __%
BDD has a prevalance rate of __%
symptoms of BDD are similar accross __
symptoms of BDD are similar accross __
nearly __ people with BDD meet the criteria for another disorder
nearly __ people with BDD meet the criteria for another disorder
about __ of people with hoarding disorder are unaware of the severity of their behavior
about __ of people with hoarding disorder are unaware of the severity of their behavior
about __ of people also engage in animal hoarding
about __ of people also engage in animal hoarding
proposed criteria for DSM5 on hoarding dissorder
-difficulty with discarding posessions
-strong urges to save items
-accumulation of large number of possession
proposed criteria for DSM5 on hoarding dissorder
-difficulty with discarding posessions
-strong urges to save items
-accumulation of large number of possession
hoarding was not recognized as a diagnosis until the DSM __
hoarding was not recognized as a diagnosis until the DSM __
three areas related to OCD in the brain:
-orbitofrontal cortex
-caudate nucleus
-anterior cingulate
three areas related to OCD in the brain:
-orbitofrontal cortex
-caudate nucleus
-anterior cingulate
herritability estimate of OCD
herritability estimate of OCD
at lease __% of people experience brief intrusive thoughts from time to time
at lease __% of people experience brief intrusive thoughts from time to time
people with OCD are more likely to attempt __
thought suppresion
people with OCD are more likely to attempt __
thought suppresion
some use the __ explanation for hoarding dissorder
some use the __ explanation for hoarding dissorder
for many people with BDD, selfworth is exculsively dependent on __
for many people with BDD, selfworth is exculsively dependent on __
treatment of OCD and related disorders all use __
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRI)
treatment of OCD and related disorders all use __
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRI)
the most widely used psychologiacal treatment for the obsessive compulsive and related disorders
exposure and response prevention
the most widely used psychologiacal treatment for the obsessive compulsive and related disorders
exposure and response prevention
proposed criteria for DSM5 on PSTD (4)
-intrusively reexperienceing the traumatic event
-avoidance of stimuli
-signs of mood and cognitive change after trauma
-increased araosual and reactivity
proposed criteria for DSM5 on PSTD (4)
-intrusively reexperienceing the traumatic event
-avoidance of stimuli
-signs of mood and cognitive change after trauma
-increased araosual and reactivity
what is different for diagnosiing Acute stress disorder from PSTD
must occure 3 days-1 month after trauma
what is different for diagnosiing Acute stress disorder from PSTD
must occure 3 days-1 month after trauma
PTSD is highly __
PTSD is highly __
PTSD involves the __
PTSD involves the __
such as feeling removed from ones body or emotions
such as feeling removed from ones body or emotions
drug treatment options for PSTD
drug treatment options for PSTD