I enjoyed reading your post, learning about your experience working at a homeless shelter, and the approach you incorporate. Look for holes is another great technique to incorporate with your clients and as a supervisor, with employees. The look for holes approach is diving deeper and looking for what the client is not discussing (Taibbi, 2013). The look for holes approach will allow the social worker to learn about the issues that the client has not discuss and overall maybe the main issue with the client. The look for holes approach can the client address their core issues. Similar to you, I was previously employed at a homeless shelter. I worked with a variety of client with many different situations that lead to their homeless status. During…
THE CASE AGAINST RALPH ARMSTRONG In late 2015, Wisconsin’s criminal justice came to the fore of the nation’s public consciousness with the Making a Murderer documentary series. The series detailed the handling of Steven Avery’s murder case in 2007 and how it related to his exoneration in an earlier wrongly convicted rape case in 1985. Both of his cases fell under a heavy cloud of doubt in the veracity of the investigation, the validity of the charges against him and the trial that imprisoned…
mother’s feelings of hopelessness and his inability to understand the complete situation. For the viewer to offer sympathy, just like the case with Steven Avery, he or she needs to examine his personality in conjunction with the accusations. Just like Avery, Brendan is portrayed as incapable of critical thinking and is similar child that has to be interrogated by the contrastingly intelligent police. Although some viewers may see Dassey’s impressionable quality and conclude that Avery could…
Scott Walker is the current Governor of the state of Wisconsin. He was first elected governor in 2010. In 2012 he became the first United States governor to win a recall election. He was then reelected governor of Wisconsin in 2014. His career began through his service in the Wisconsin State Assembly and as the Milwaukee County Executive. Walker was born in Colorado and grew up in Iowa and Wisconsin. He attended Marquette University. Walker was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in…
deviance. Ed Gein psychotic behaviour can explained from the psychological perspective of perception and mental illness because he was nurtured into developing different mental illnesses and perceiving women differently than regular people do. The psychological perspective concerning brain research and mental illness is a critical factor in determining the way a psychopath thinks. Mental illness can be a cause for many behavioural problems as Ed Gein suffered from schizophrenia and was…
made from fighting—no one would want to come to a place filled with people disputing over which town is better. They also came to the conclusion that without bridges, living was impossible; it was ultimately better to be united and have bridges. Had there never been a “bridge war,” the city of Milwaukee would likely not exist. It took extreme measures for these two stubborn founders to realize they needed to put their differences aside. As for Walker, he eventually regained control of Walker’s…
THE BLACK HAWK WAR? OR THE WAR FOR CHICAGO The Black Hawk War was one of the most vital parts of Chicago history. Chicago would not have happened if not for the Black Hawk war. Chicago was formed after the events of the Black Hawk War. This war was the most vital part in Chicago history.The war began in May of 1832 and ended in August of 1832. The battle was fought for land, a tale to reclaim something that was taken. Black Hawk had surrendered after being caught and many of his people were…
Review Fear The Walking Dead “The Dog” As soon as they get away from the riot, Travis (Cliff Curtis), Liza (Elizabeth Rodriguez)and also Chris (Lorenzo James Henrie) take shelter with the Salazars; Madison (Kim Dickens) defends her residence. The riot worsens outside Salazar’s Cuts. Travis dismisses issues they are not safe and sound, despite the fact that the store right next door is breached but the looters would normally not really bust into a barbershop. "What are they going to steal?…
The saying goes any publicity is good publicity, but in the Ashley Madison data breach this was definitely not the case. The known site for adulterers and cheaters quickly found themselves all over the news because of their inability to secure their server. The data breach exposed many flaws of the company as well other damaging information about the company’s plans. Along with the embarrassment of the hack, the company would now find themselves in danger of serious economic damages. Avid Life…
The Midwest, a place in the world where communities are closely aligned to one another. These small, rural communities rely on every person in order to create that community. It seems as though that knowing everyone around the small communities was what made a person successful in life. Additionally, these communities valued hard-work and honesty when it came with almost everything they did in their lives; whether it was working in the farmlands or spreading information throughout the…