Homer Plessy was arrested On June 7, 1892 because he violated the Separate Car Act. His argument in the Plessy v. Ferguson case was that it went against the 14th amendment; which makes everyone born or naturalized in the US a citizen of the US. But it also guarantees that every United States citizen will be granted the same protection under the law, the 14th amendment makes everyone in the United States equal before the law. Throughout the case they also mention the 13th amendment which abolished slavery. Judge Ferguson overlook these 2 amendments while making his verdict, a mistake that might had had contribute to future acts of discrimination. The case Plessy v. Ferguson was not simply about Plessy not being able to sit on a…
citizen of the U.S. Unfortunately the courts turned their backs on them in a patronizing manner. The court stated that as long as the facilities in which they would be placed where “equals” the constitution were not being violated. They also had the guts to say that segregation was not discrimination. In 1890 the Louisiana law demanded that railroads should have the same commodities on both sides. The outraged African American community decided to put this to the test. A person named Homer…
Ever felt like your rights were being violated? Both Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education deal with someone's rights being violated , however they have their own ways of dealing with it. Homer Plessy was arrested for sitting with the whites in a first-class railroad car. The Seperate Car Act of 1890 declared that all railroad companies in Louisiana provide seperate but equal accommodations for white and non-white passsengers of the train cars. This lead to the Plessy…
case has accomplished both so easily as the trial of Plessy v. Ferguson. Taking place directly after the reconstruction era, this trial is crucial to establishing the verdicts of latter court cases, shaping popular beliefs, as well as representing the opinions and mindsets of the American people post-civil war. Although the verdict of Plessy v. Ferguson may have set negative precedents concerning civil rights lawsuits, the case progressed its movement through…
The first case is about Plessy v Ferguson which is a case that determined whether or not racial segregation is constitutional under the separate but equal doctrine. The second case is about Brown v Board of Education which decided that state laws requiring separate but equal schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. Both cases had a powerful effect on the precedents that we now have in today's justice system. Plessy v Ferguson established the doctrine of “Separate but…
A dissent is when a judge disagrees with the vote on a case, suggesting that the majority should consider a different outlook. Dissents can be focused on either the outcome or the route to the outcome, calling out and explaining what is unjust or wrong. Someone writing a dissenting opinion may agree with the final decision, but not the reasoning behind it, or believe that the decision is completely wrong. One of the most important dissents in American history was Plessy v. Ferguson, in which:…
The supreme court case Plessy V. Ferguson transpired due to the development of the Jim Crow laws. The Jim Crow Laws were laws that enforced racial segregation that occurred in the South, but it did not take much affect many people referred to the Jim Crow Laws separate is not equal. This led from one event to another. In 1890, the state of Louisiana passed the Withdraw car act (Act 111,) this act required that the train railway cars were to design separate alterations for African Americans and…
The court case of 1896 was the year that Plessy v. Ferguson was settled. Establishing the term separate but equal after Plessy was denied his rights on riding a train. Even though this was a step closer to equality for all. In the long term, it was another way to stall and keep segregation in certain places around the united states. In the movie "Simple Justice" Thurgood Marshall, the main character goes through rigorous training to become a lawyer that could someday overturn Plessy v. Ferguson.…
Court Cases Plessy v. Ferguson (1896): Justified segregation. Ruled that the law stating there should be “different accommodations for blacks and whites” was constitutional. Brown v Board of Education (1954): Ruled that segregation in schools is unconstitutional because it goes against the 14th amendment's equal protection clause. Was the end of segregation in the U.S. Brown v Board of Education II (1955): Required the desegregation of schools with “deliberate speed”. UC Regents v Bakke…
Case: Plessy v. Ferguson Cite: 163 U.S. 537 (1896) Vote: 7-1 Opinion: Brown Facts: • In 1890 Louisiana passed the Separate Car Act. o Required different cars for blacks and whites on railroads. • A group of citizens formed Comité des Citoyens in order to repeal and/or fight the laws effect. o Formed by black, creole and white New Orleans Residents • The group persuaded Homer Plessy, a mixed race free man to participate in a test. o Even though he had some European background he was still…