Chem 111 Post-Exam Self-Assessment See the instructions in Canvas for more details about how this assignment will be scored. 1. Fill in these blanks: Exam Number __2__ Your Predicted Exam Score _80_% Actual Exam Score _57.67% Current Course Score _70.1__% Current Course Letter Grade _C-/D+_ 2. How did your actual score on this exam compare to the score you expected? How do you explain the difference, if any? The actual score on the exam was lower than what I expected. I feel as though there were numerous factors that contributed to this. First, I feel as though this was due to the fact that I feel as though the material taught in lecture teaches us concepts which I understand but not how to apply the material which is the majority of the exam. I feel as though the lectures lull me into a false sense of security as I think I understand the material but in reality I am not being taught what I need in order to succeed on the test. Also, I feel as though it was difficult to study the material for this test as there are not enough resources to provide proper preparation for the exam a significant amount of time before the exam. There is only one practice exam sent out shortly before the exam but I did not know how else to practice the material for this exam prior to receiving that as it was not as simple as exam one and completing practice problems. 3. How do you feel about your exam grade? Are you surprised, relieved, disappointed, or what? I am very disappointed in my…
Chem 111 Post-Exam Self-Assessment See the instructions in Canvas for more details about how this assignment will be scored. 1. Fill in these blanks: Exam Number __2__ Your Predicted Exam Score _80_% Actual Exam Score _57.67% Current Course Score _70.1__% Current Course Letter Grade _C-/D+_ 2. How did your actual score on this exam compare to the score you expected? How do you explain the difference, if any? The actual score on the exam was lower than what I expected. I feel as though there…
contributions made by Islamic mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi to the difference subjects of algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Ideas discovered by Al-Khwarizmi are discussed as well as other concepts that serve as proof of his understanding of various complex ideas we use nowadays. These concepts include simplifying equations, completing the square and trigonometric tables. Key-Words: - Islam, Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry 1 Introduction Throughout time, cultures and…
or math stories in modern day. These word problems not only taught algebraic functions, they were also used as a source of entertainment. One essential element that the Egyptian Papyrus introduced, was the use of a standard algebraic symbol to represent an unknown number, such as X. The Rhind Papyrus, also a mathematical text taught students how to work with multiplication, divisions and fractions. Although written in the language of Egyptian scholars, the texts left behind demonstrate the…
himself. In twentieth century Bartel Leendar van der Waerden conjected that Pythagorean triple were discovered algebraically by the Babylonians. The Baudhaya Sulba Sutra the dates of which are given variously as between (800 BC & 200 BC) in India contains a list of Pythagorean triples discovered algebraically. Philosophers Proklos and Plato (400 B.C.) gave Pythagorean triple algebra and Geometry, also in China, Gnomon proved this theorem called 'Gough Theorem" having triple. (3, 4, 5) This…
Euler died September 18, 1783, at approximately 11:00, of a brain hemorrhage. He had completed so many papers, that the St. Petersburg Academy was able to continue publishing his works for almost 50 years after his death ("Euler biography", 2016). It is impossible to overstate the impact that Euler had on mathematics. He worked in nearly every area of mathematics. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of formulas, equations, theorems, laws, and numbers named after Euler, most famously e, the base…
I used to believe that geometry wasn’t possible without algebra, that geometry was essentially a representation of algebra. I didn’t have an experience of geometry that focused on the creativity and ingenuity that I’ve come to now know. Chapter 6 of Journey Through Genius reiterates how impressive the discipline of geometry truly is. Cardano’s solution to the general solution was astonishing, to me, because of the literal use of geometry to find the appropriate algebraic identities and the…
improve my own practical thinking towards mathematics and also creating a sense of understanding of what future students will need to conceptialise. This assessment will improve my knowledge and approaches towards the NAPLAN test ( and towards mathematics as an educator. Question 1 Although this question seems simple, it is easy to see how students can get confused as the geometry between three dimensional shapes and two dimensional shapes changes within the illustration…
In ancient Egypt, the Nile would flood its banks each year, flooding the land and destroying the farm areas. When the waters receded and the people had to redefine the boundaries. This work was called geometry and was seen as a re-establishment of the principle of law and order on earth. (Lawlor, 6) The best lessons that I remember from my own math learning were the ones that involved interactivity with hands-on tools and tasks that connected to real life. Curious about how others viewed math…
A’s my eighth grade year, was corrupted by going into my freshman year, Geometry class. Our eighth grade year was still young. This was the good times when our grades didn’t count and I personally, didn’t care if my grades did count or not. My favorite time of the day was Algebra one. Now, I know that many of my classmates hated…