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54 Cards in this Set

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Mutual agreement between countries. Triple Alliance, Dual Alliance, Triple Entente


Britain, France, Russia and Italy. Initially Italy had a treaty with Germany but refused and secretly allied with the Allied Powers. US the joined. Made up fo 25 nations


Truce. Offered by Canadian government after defeating Germany. They accepted and WW1 ended

Balance of powers

system that prevents one country form dominating others

Big Four

Long lasting peace treaty at the end of ww1 to keep peace throughout Europe. Got Treaty of Versailles instead. Britain, Italy, France, USA


Blocking or preventing the transfer of good from an enemy port Germany tried it on Britain only to get the same thing back but worse

Central Powers

Germany. Austria-Hungary. Ottoman Empire Alliance

Chauvnistic nationalism

People started identifying with their country more

Colonial rivalry

A cause of ww1. 1) ledd to strained realtions among the European powers. 2) Led indirectly to the formation and strengthning of alliances and ententes. 3) Led to an intensification of the arms race. 4) Led to hostility among the powers

Congress of Berlin

Meeting held In berlin, before Russo-Turkish war. Germany, France, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Turkey, and Britain. Treaty of berlin, gave control over different land to countries that were involved. Russian and Balkan states were disatisfied which contributed to the cause of ww1. Austro got its hands on bosnia

Congress of Vienna

1) Established a new balance of power which would prevent imperialism within Europe and maintain the peace between the great powers. 2) Prevent political revolutions and maintain the status quo.


When they are in need of soldiers and volunteers arent enough. Law states that if youre able to fight then you must. Quebec felt that they were being forced to fight a war that wasnt even theirs.


maintaining good relations between governments of different countries.

Dual Alliance

Between germany and Austria-hungary.

Entente Cordiale

Series of agreementssigned on 8 April 1904 between the united kingdom and france, making the start of an alliance against germany

Ethnic nationalism

Nationhood thats defined by language, religion, customs and traditions

Fourteen Points

Outline a strategy to end war. Woodrow Wilson set out goals he wanted to acheive during the war

French Canadian Nationalism

Belief among French Canadians that they are a unique group of people whos lifestyles distinguishes them from other canadians

Henri Bourassa

French Canadian nationalist. Wants one canada coast to cast. didnt want french Canadians to go to the war

Immediate Causes

Assasination of the Arch Duke. The Alliances. Imperialism. Militarism. Nationalism. Arms Race. Series of events that lead to the WW1 .


Taking over another country


Build up of industries. More efficient machinery for war ( tanks, airplanes, U boats)

International lawlessness

No organization for setting disputes between nations peacefully


Suporting the control of a region in another country because it shares the same ethnicity. Ex. Italians populating a nearby region then taking it over

League of nations

Created by the treaty of Versailles Guarentee the peace and punish aggressive nations


An arms race; build up of military forces to prepare for war


To understand/percieve incorrectly


Gathering respurces and preparation for war

National Prestige

Fighting for land and whoever gets it is valued as a better nation


Feeling of intense loyalty towards a country


the state of not taking sides

Pan slavism

Movement in the mid 19th century aimed at the unity of all Slavic peoples. Main focus was in the Balkans, Byzantine Empire, Austria-hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Venice


Condition or system in which two or more states coexist


Information that is biased and spread to achieve a specific goal


fixed allowance of provisions or food during shortage.


France wanted to add it to the list of the 14 points to get back at Germany. Plotting revenge against another country

Reinssurance Plan

Attempted by Bismarck to continue to ally with Russia. Both states would promise neutrality in a war. Germany declined the second time

Schlieffen Plan

Germany's plan to avoid a two front war by invading France before Russia was able to mobilize its army. Failed.

Secret Alliance

Aliance contained from the public. Germany/Russia --> Germany wanted to make sure they were safe from both fronts

Sir clifford Sifton

Minister of the Interior under Sir Wilfred Laurier. Immigration policy states that immigrants are allowed to come but will be assimilated

Social Darwinism

The thought that your culture is superior, and so you should expand and enlighten it to those who dont know

Sphere of influence

Any area where one nation hold dominant power over another or others

Static war

Both sides suffer so the war barely progresses due to the many events that occur

Three Emperor's League

Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. Bismarck lead it, secret alliance

Total War

When the entire amount of resources and population is mobilized towards the war, total priority. Also involved carrying the war against the entire population of the enemy notnjust its military.

Treaty of Versailles

Meant to ensure that WW1 was the "war to end all wars" and Europe would enjoy long lasting peace. Germany had to take blame for the whole war

Trench Warfare

Soldiers began to dig long, deep, holes in the ground called trenches which provided protection from the enemy. Between both sides was "no mans land". Harsh conditions, shell shock --> nervouse breakdown due to the constant death threat.

Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Triple Entente

British France, Russia


A demand that must be met within a specific period of time backed up witha threat. Austrias ultimatum to Serbia, 48 hours

Ultra Nationalism

Extreme nationalism that promotes the interest of one state above all others. Racism

Underlying Causes

Coutnreis such as Germany were fairly new and wanted colonial presence. Wilhelm wanted to prove that Germany was one of the greatest countries. Treaty system and alliances.

Unrestricted Submarine warfare

submaries that sink vessels without warning

War of attrition

Ones enemy must be worn down to the point of collapseby continuous losses in people and material.