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16 Cards in this Set

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In multiple lane round about, should you change lanes before or after entering


Head restraints, when properly adjusted, provide most protection when vehicle is struck from the


True or false, Inertia is the primary reason that safety belts are important to a driver in a crash


Hand over hand steering involves pushing the steering wheel down while the hand *blank* over to pull the wheel down further


*blank* will warn other drivers that your vehicle is stopped and cannot be moved on or near the shoulder

Four-way emergency flashers

Your vehicles outside mirrors should be adjusted in a way that *blank* are reduced

Blind spots

When driving a vehicle with airbags, you are the safest when seated *blank* inches away from the wheel


When driving, it is best to have space at least *blank* feet on both sides of your vehicle


The purpose of a regulatory sign is to

Control the movement of traffic

The speed limit of a mobile home park, or on some roads adjacent to parks is

15 mph

When you are the first in line and the light turns green, you should check the areas to the *blank*

Left, right, and front

A pennant shaped sign means

No passing zone

When all or part of a highway traffic lane is closed for construction, maintenance, or surveying, the speed limit is *blank* unless posted

45 mph

A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that the vehicle next to the broken line…

Can Pass if clear

This sign means

Look,listen and prepare to stop at the rail road crossing ahead

A flashing yellow turn arrow tells you oncoming through traffic has…

A green light