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9 Cards in this Set

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اعصار ​a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean

Hurricane are typically associated with loss of life loss of property and economic devastation عادة ما يرتبط الاعصار بفقدان الاوراح والممتلكات ودمار الاقتصاد ي

Hurricanes tend to be related to increase strandings of marine mammals, so why might a hurricane be associated with more dolphins, rather than fewer

تميل الأعاصير إلى أن تكون مرتبطة بزيادة حبال الثدييات البحرية ، فلماذا قد يرتبط الإعصار بزيادة عدد الدلافين بدلاً من تقليلها


(of people or animals) to die, especially in a sudden violent way هلك او مات

Early buildings were made of wood and have perished.

commercial fishing vessels

سفن الصيد التجاري

This means a decrease in the amount of seafood brought into shore

وهذا يعني انخفاض كمية المأكولات البحرية التي يتم إحضارها إلى الشاطئ


ترفيهية connected with activities that people do for pleasure when they are not working

These areas are set aside for public recreational use.هذة مناطق مخصصة للا ستخدام الترفيهي العام


استنتج استدل ​to form an opinion about something based on the information or evidence that is available

We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy. يمكننا استنتاج الكثير مما يختار الناس شراءه .


تلف خرب to damage something badly

a country ravaged by civil war. بلد مزقتة الحرب الاهلية


بشكل كاف in a way that is enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need

Are you adequately insured? هل انت موءمن بشكل كاف