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20 Cards in this Set
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collapse (V)
it falls down suddenly
EX: I was so scared that I actually collapsed once. |
crush (V)
to press something so hard that it breaks or is damaged
EX: The stay about how the machinery crushed the applicant's mother's legs was really moving. |
crutch (N)
one of a pair of long sticks that you put under the arms to help a person walk.
EX: My mother walks with crutches. |
landscape (N)
a view across an area of land
EX: The landscape was so beautiful. |
limitation (N)
things that keep you from going beyond certain boundaries
EX: I learned a lot about my mental limitation and how to meet those challenges. |
overcome (V)
succeed in controlling a problem
EX: This applicant admires people who are able to overcome serious obstacles. |
proof (N)
facts or evidence that prove that something is ture.
EX: This is proof that we need to make this kind of experience available to all our students. |
revelation (N)
insight; sudden realization
EX: This experience was a revelation to the candidate. |
scar (N)
marks left on skin from a cut or wound
EX: My mother walks with crutches and scars all over her legs. |
soar (V)
fly very high or fast
EX: The landscape was so beautiful. Birds soared above us. |
dilapidated (ADJ)
a dilapidated building, vehicle etc is old and in very bad condition
EX: Which sat in midst of dilapidated tenement buildings on Manhattan's Lower East Side. |
yearning for (N)
a strong desire for something
EX: Maybe these kids are yearning for a way of figuring out this new teacher. |
poverty (N)
the situation or experience of being poor
EX: Theirs wasn't the kind of poverty McCourt had know; they had electricity and food. |
shame (N)
used when you wish a situation was different, and you feel sad or disappointed
EX: It's a shame that you have to leave so soon. |
hopelessness (N)
very bad
EX: hopelessness he knew all too well |
miseries (N)
great suffering that is caused for example by being very poor or very sick
EX: Since humor had been the McCourts' weapon against life's miseries in Limerick |
sordid (ADJ)
involving immoral or dishonest behaviour
EX: But for the first time, he bagan to see his sordid childhood |
torment (N)
to make someone suffer a lot, especially mentally
EX: But for the first time, he bagan to see his sordid childhood, with all the miseries, betrayals and longings that tormented him still |
meager (ADJ)
a meagre amount of food, money etc is too small and is much less than you need
EX: He began to appreciate more the companionship that enriched the meager meals his mother had struggled to put on the table. |
defeated (ADJ)
sad and unable to deal with problems
EX: He looked lost and defeated. |