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16 Cards in this Set

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Non- prohibited person

A non prohibited person must not possess/ carry a silencer

Prima Facie Possession

-On land or premises occupied by/ in care of/ management

-in vehicle in charge of

Possession of Firearm

-Physical possession

-Custody or control of

-having and exercising access solely or in common with others

Prohibited Persons 2

-Guilty of Firearms Act offence and imprisonment available = 12mths -Guilty of Offence involving firearm and imprisonment available =12mths

Prohibited person 1

-While in prison for: I/O, Assault, Drug Offence, Control weapons offence,

-When leaving prison after 5= PP for 15yrs

- When leaving prison after <5yrs =PP for 5 years

-5 years after FVIO/PSIO/CCO

- 12mths after being found guilty of I/O


Capable of:

-being carried/ concealed on person

- Beingfired with one hand - Doesn't exceed 65cm

Not a Firearm

- Industrial fixing tool

- Captive bolt humane killer

- Spear gun

- Signal flare

- Net projector

- Deactivated cannon

Firearms definition

Any device whether assembled or in parts:

Designed/adapted/capable of being modified to discharge Shot/bullet/missile by expansion of gases produced by ignition of Strongly combustible materials.

By compressed air or other gases stored in device or produced in device by mechanical means.

-Operable/not operable, complete/incomplete


Anything that is not a hansgun


To own a firearm owners must

-register their firearm

-Hold the appropriate Firearms licence

Use of Firearm on private property

A person must not:

-Possess, carry, use on private property or

-Discharge shot, bullet, missile from a firearm onto or across a private property

without the consent of the owner/occupier

Loaded firearm in populous place

A person must not carry/use a loaded firearm in a town or populous place or any thoroughfare or place open to or used by the public for passage with vehicles

Intoxicating Liquor

Summary offence to carry or use a firearm whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs

Possession offences

IOTS=PP to possess firearm

Non PP to possess handgun

Carry a concealed weapon to commit I/O

Summary = Non PP possess firearm

Non PP to possess silencer

Possess ammunition

Changing Firearm


-Shorten barrel of longarm so Barrel is less than 50cm and the whole weapon is less than 75cm

-Alter/deface any identifying marks or symbol

Searches and seizure

Police office SORG:

A person is/is about to commit against the act and

Has firearm/ammunition/silencer

Informs person of their suspicion

can anywhere:

search the person and any package/vehicle or thing and seize any firearm/cartrigde/ammunition found during search

refusal = Summary offence