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81 Cards in this Set

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Fabry's Disease
Sx - peripheral neuropathy of hands/feet, angiokeratomas, cardiovascular/renal disease

deficient a-galactosidase A
accum: ceramide trihexoside

X-linked recessive
Gaucher's Disease
Sx - hepatosplenomegaly, asceptic necrosis of femur, bone crisis, Gaucher's cells (mac's crumpled like tissue paper)

deficient b-glucocerebrosidase
accum: glucocerebroside

autosomal recessive
Sx - neurodegeneration, hepatosplenomegaly, cherry-red spot on macula, foam cells

deficient sphingomyelinase
accum - sphingomyelin

autsosomal recessive
Tay-Sachs Disease
progressive neurodegeneration, developmental delay, cherry-red spot, lysosomes w/ onion skin

Hexosamindase A deficiency
GM2 ganglioside accumulates

autosomal recessive
Krabbe's Disease
peripheral neuropathy, developmental delay, optic atrophy, globoid cells

Galactocerebrosidase deficiency
Galactocerebroside accumulates
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Central and peripheral demyelination with ataxia, dementia

Arylsulfatase A deficiency
Cerebroside sulfate accum

autosomal recessive
Hurler's syndrome
developmental delay, gargoylism, airway obstruction, corneal clouding

a-L-iduronidase deficient
heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate accumulates

autosomal recessive
Hunter's syndrome
Mild hurler's + aggressive behavior, no corneal clouding

iduronate sulfate deficient
heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate accumulate

x-linked recessive
Adult polycystic kidney disease
Always bilateral, massive enlargement of kidneys due to multiple large cysts. Presents w/ pain, hematuria, HTN, progressive renal failure. 90% of cases due to mutation in APKD1 on chr 16. Associated w/ polycystic liver disease, berry aneurysms, mitral valve prolapse. Juvenile form in recessive.
Familial hypercholesterolemia
hyperlipidemia type IIA
Elevated LDL owing to defective or absent LDL receptor. Heterozygotes have cholesterol ~300, homozygotes (rare) have cholesterol 700+, severe atherosclerotic disease early in life, tendon xanthomas esp in Achilles tendon, MI before age 20.
Marfan's syndrome
Fibrillin (sheath of elastin) gene mutation causing connective tissue disorders.
Skeletal abnormalities - tall with long extremities, pectum excavatum, hyperextensive joints, long, tapering fingers and toes - arachnodactyly
Cardiovascular - cystic medial necrosis of aorta, leading to aortic incompetence and dissectin aortic aneurysms. Floppy mitral valve.
Ocular - subluxation of lenses
Neurofibromatosis type 1
von Recklinghausen's disease
Findings - cafe-au-lait spots, neural tumors, Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hamartomas), skeletal disorders (scoliosis), optic pathway gliomas, pheochromocytomas, increased tumor susceptibility. on chr 17
Neurofibromatosis type 2
Bilateral acoustic neuromas, jeuvenile cataracts, NF2 gene on chr 22
Tuberous sclerosis
facial lesions (adenoma sebaceum), hypopigmented "ash leaf spots" on skin, cortical and retinal hamartomas, seizures, mental retardation, renal cysts, angiomyolipomas, cardiac rhabdomyomas, increased incidence of astrocytomas. incomplete penetrance, variable presentation.
von Hippel-Lindau disease
hemangioblastomas of retina/cerebellum/medulla. about half of affected individuals develop multiple bilateral renal cell carcinomas and other tumors. Assoc w/ deletion of VHL gene (tumor suppressor) on chr 3, von Hippel Lindau - three words for chr 3
Huntington's disease
Depression, progressive dementia, choreiform movements, caudate atrophy and decreased levels of GABA and ACh in the brain. Sx manifest in affected individuals b/n ages of 20-50. Located on chr 4; triplet repeat disorder.
Familial adenomatous polyposis
colon covered with adenomatous polyps after puberty. Progresses to colon cancer unless resected. Deletion on chromosome 5 APC gene.
Hereditary spherocytosis
Spheroid erythrocytes; hemolytic anemia. increased MCHC. Splenectomy is curative.
Autosomal-dominant cell-signaling defect of fibroblast growth factor FGF receptor 3. Results in dwarfism; short limbs but head and trunk are normal size. Assoc w/ advanced paternal age.
Vitamin A
Deficiency - night blindness, dry skin

Function - constituent of visual pigments in retina. Found in leafy vegetables.

Excess - Arthralgias, fatigue, headaches, skin changes, sore throat, alopecia.
Vitamin B1

Deficiency - Beriberi (Dry - polyneuritis, symmetrical muscle wasting; wet - high-output cardiac failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, edema) and
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (confusion, ataxia, opthalmoplegia, hemorrhage and necrosis of mamillary bodies)

Functions in thiamine pyrophosphate, a cofactor fo oxidative decarboxylation of a-ketoacids and branched chain AA dehydrogenase, and a cofactor for transketolase in HMP shunt.
Vitamin B2

Deficiency - Angular stomatitis (inflammation of oral mucous linings), Cheilosis (inflam of lips), Corneal vascularization

Function - cofactor in oxidation and reduction, FAD and FMN - make 2 ATP
Vitamin B3

Deficiency - made from body tryptophan, synthesis requires B6. Pellagra can be caused by Hartnup's disease (dec tryptophan absorption), malignant carcinoid syndrome (inc tryptophan metabolism), INH (dec B6)

Pellagra = 3D's : Diarrhea, Dermatitis, Dementia (beefy glossitis)

Constituent of NAD, NADP in redox rxns
Vitamin B5
Panthogenate = part of CoA

Deficiency - dermatitis, enteritis, alopecia, adrenal insufficiency

Function - constituent of CoA and component of fatty acid synthase
Vitamin B6

Deficiency - Convulsion, hyperirritability, peripheral neuropathy. deficiency inducible by INH and COC's)

Function - converted to pyridoxal phosphate, a cofactor used in transamination, decarboxylation rxns, glycogen phosphorylase, heme synthesis. Required for synthesis of niacin from tryptophan
Vitamin B12

Deficiency - macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia, neurologic symptoms ( optic neuropathy, subacute combined degeneration, paresthesia), glossitis.

Function - Cofactor for homocystein methyltransferase, transfers CH3 groups as methylcobalamin) and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase.
Stored primarily in the liver, very large reserve pool (several years). synthesized by microorganisms. In animal products.

Causes - malabsorption, lack of intrinsic factor, absence of terminal ileum.
Folic Acid
Most common vitamin deficiency in US

Deficiency - macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia w/ no neurologic symptoms.

Function - Coenzyme for 1-carbon transfer; involved in methylation rxns, synthesis of nitrogenous bases. found in green leaves.
Deficiency - dermatitis, enteritis. Rare, caused by antibiotic sues, excessive ingestion of raw eggs.

Cofactor for carboxylations
pyruvate to oxaloacetate
Acetyl-CoA to malonyl CoA
Propionyl-CoA to methylmalonyl-CoA
Vitamin C
Scurvy - swollen gums, bruising, anemia, poor wound healing, petechiate

Necessary for hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen synthesis.
Facilitations iron absorption by keeping in Fe2+ state
Necessary as a cofactor for dopamine beta-hydroxylase, converts dopamine to NE
Vitamin D
ergocalciferol form in milk
cholecalciferol formed in skin

Deficiency - rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults, hypocalcemic tetany.

Function - inc intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate.

Excess - hypercalcemia, loss of appetite, stupor. seen in sarcoidosis, disease where epithelioid mac's convert vit D to active form
Vitamin E
Deficiency - increased fragility of erythrocytes, neurodysfunction.

Function - antioxidant
Vitamin K
Deficiency - Neontatl hemorrhage w/ elevated PT and PTT, but normal bleeding time.

Function - catalyzes carboxylation of glutamic acid residues on various proteins concerned with blood clotting - factors II, VII, IX, X and proteins C and S. synthesized by intestinal flora - absent at birth and after antibiotic use.
Zinc deficiency
Delayed wound healing, hypogonadism, decreased adult hair in axilla, facial, pubic, may predispsoe to alcoholic cirrhosis.
Amino acids needed for purine synthesis

In the De novo pathway, purines are made from IMP precursor
Transition vs. Transversion
Transition - substituting purine for purine or pyrimidine for pyrimidine

Transversion - substituting purine for pyrimidine or vice versa
DNA polymerase III
Elongates the chain by adding deoxynucleotides to the 3' end (leading strand).

Elongates lagging strand until it reaches primer of preceding fragment.

3' --> 5' exonuclease activity proofreads each added nucleotide.
DNA polymerase I
Degrades RNA primer (5' --> 3' exonuclease) and fills in the gap with DNA
Stop codons
Cell Cycle regulators
CDK - constitutive and inactive

Cyclins - phase specific, activate CDKs

Rb and p53 tumor suppressors normally inhibit G1 to S progression.
I cell disease
Failure of addition of mannose-6-phosphate lysosome proteins.
Enzymes are secreted outside the cell instead of being targeted to the lysosome.

Coarse facial features, clouded corneas, restricted joint movement, high plasma levels of lysosomal enzymes.

Often fatal in childhood
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
due to a microtubule polymerization defect resulting in decreased phagocytosis, can't fuse lysosomes.

Increased susceptibility to infection, esp S. aureus, due to defects in chemotaxis, degranulation and bacteriocidal activity
Kartagner's syndrome
Immotile cilia due to a dynein arm defect.

Results in male and female infertility, bronchiectasis, recurrent sinusitis.

Associated w/ situs inversus
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Variety of gene defects; all result in abnormal collagen synthesis.

Most common form is autosomal-dominant with abnormal collagen type I.

1. multiple fractures occuring with minimal trauma, during birth
2. Blue sclerae - translucency of connective tissue over the choroid
3. Hearing loss - abnormal middle ear bones
4. Dental imperfections - lack dentin
Metabolic processes in the mitochondria
Fatty acid oxidation (beta)
acetyl-CoA production
Krebs cycle
oxidative phosphorylation
Metabolic processes in the cytoplasm
fatty acid synthesis
HMP shunt
Protein synthesis RER
Steroid synthesis SER
Hexokinase vs. Glucokinase
Hexokinase -
high affinity (low Km), low capacity (low Vmax), uninduced by insulin

Glucokinase -
low affinity (high Km) and high capacity (high Vmax), induced by insulin, only in liver and pancrease
Coenzymes required by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
1. Pyrophosphate (B1, thiamine; TPP)
2. FAD (B2, riboflavin)
3. NAD (B3, niacin)
4. CoA (B5, pantothenate)
5. Lipoic acid

Arsenic inhibits lipoic acid and results in vomiting, rice water stools, garlic breath.
Deficient homogentiasate oxidase

Accumulate homogentisate

Black urine and cartilage, degenerative arthritis
Galactose 1-phosphate uridyltransferase deficiency

accumulate galactose 1-phosphate

Mental retardation, cirrhosis, hypoglycemia.cataracts (galactitol)
Avoid dairy products
Hereditary fructose intolerance
deficient Aldolase B

accumulate fructose 1-phosphate

Cirrhosis, hypoglycemia, renal disease

Avoid fructose, sucrose, honey
deficient Cystathionine synthase

accumulate homocystein and methionine

Mental retardation, vessel thrombosis
Maple syrup urine disease
Branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase deficient

Accumulate leucine, valine, isoleucine and their ketoacids.

Mental retardation, seizures, feeding problems, sweet smelling urine
McArdles' disease
type V glycogen storage disease
Deficient muscle phosphorylase

Accumulate glycogen

Glycogenosis, muscle fatigue, myoglobinuria, painful cramps, no increase in lactic acid w/ exercise
Deficient Phylalanine hydroxylase

Accumulate phenylalanine

Mental retardation, microcephaly, decreased tyrosine (essential), fair skin, eczema, musty body odor (aromatic amino acids)

Restrict phenylalanine, avoid artificial sweetners containing phenylalanine

Autosomal recessive
Pompe's disease
type II glycogen storage disease
Deficient alpha-1,4 glucosidase lysosomal enzyme

Accumulate glycogen

Glycogenosis, cardiomegaly with early death
Von Gierke's disease
Deficient Glucose-6-phosphatase (gluconeogenic enzyme)

Accumulate glucose-6-phosphate

Glycogenosis, enlarged liver and kidneys, hypoglycemia, elevated lactate
no increase in glucose w/ glucagon challenge.
Fragile X
Trinucleotide repeat disorder of FMR1 gene
associated w/ chromosome breakage

X-linked recessive.

Mental retardation, autism.
Long face, large mandible, everted ears.
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
Deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltranfserase

Involved in slavaging the purines hypoxanthine and guanine

Excess uric acid production

Mental retardation, Hyperuricemia, self-mutilation, aggression, gout, choreoathetosis

X-linked recessive
Down's syndrome
Trisomy 21

Mental retardation
Epicanthic folds, flat facial profile, macroglossia
Simian crease

Risk of Hirschsprung's disease and duodenal atresia, increased risk of leukemia, Alzheimers

dec AFP, inc hCG, dec urine estriol
Edward's syndrome
Trisomy 18

Metal retardation.
Clenched hands with overlapping fingers
Rocker-bottom feet
Early death
Patau's syndrome
Trisomy 13

Mental retardation, cleft lip and palate
Polydactyl, VSD, cystic kidneys, rocker-bottom feet
Early death
Cori cycle
Allows lactate generated during anaerobic metabolism to undergo hepatic gluconeogenesis and become a source of glucose for muscle/RBC.

Comes at the cost of a net loss of 4 ATP/cycle
Irreversible enzymes of Gluconeogenesis
Pyruvate carboxylase - in mitochondria, converts pyruvate to oxaloacetate

PEP carboxykinase - in cytosol, converts oxaloacetate to PEP

Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase - in cytosol. Fructose1,6P to F6P

Glucose 6 phosphatase - in ER, G6P --> glucose

only in liver, kidney, intestine

only odd chain fatty acids can enter TCA cycle and gluconeogenesis via propionyl-CoA
Essential fructosuria
defect in fructokinase
benign, asymptomatic
fructose in blood and urine
fructose does not enter cells
Aquired with liver disease or hereditary, for example w/ ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency

Excess NH4 depletes a-ketoglutarate, leading to inhibition of TCA cycle

Ammonia intoxication - tremor, slurring of speech, somnolence, vomiting, cerebral edema, blurring of vision

Rx - benzoate or phenylbutyrate to lower serum ammonia
Defects in either
1. Tyrosinase - inability to synthesize melanin from tyrosine - autosomal recessive
2. Defective tyrosine transporters - dec amounts of tyrosine, so dec melanin

Can also result for lack of migration of neural crest cells.
Inc risk of skin cancer.

Variable inheritance due to locus heterogeneity
Three forms, all autosomal recessive

1. Cystathionine synthase deficiency
Rx - Dec Met, Inc Cys, Inc B12 in diet

2. Decreased affinity of cystathionine synthase for pyridoxal phosphate
Rx - Inc B6 in diet

3. Homocystein methyltransferase deficiency

All forms result in excess homocystein and cysteine becomes essential.

Mental retardation, osteoporosis, tall stature, kyphosis, lens subluxation (downward and inward), and atherosclerosis (stroke and MI).
Common inherited defect of renal tubular amino acid transportor for cysteine, ornithine, lysine and arginin in PCT of kidneys

Excess cystine in urine can lead to ppt of cystine kidney stones (staghorn calculi)

Rx - acetazolamide to alkalinize urine
Maple syrup urine disease
Blocked degradation of branched amino acids Ile, Val, Leu due to dec alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase.

Inc alpha-ketoacids in the blood, esp Leu

CNS, defects, mental retardation, death, Urine smells like maple syrup
What are the functions of apolipoproteins AI, B100, CII, B48, E?
AI - activates LCAT (esterifies cholesterol)

B100- binds to LDL receptor, mediates VLDL secretion

CII - Cofactor for lipoprotein lipase

B48 - Mediates chylomicron secretion

E - mediates extra remnant uptake
Type 1 familial dyslipidemia

Increased chylomicrons

Elevated TG, cholesterol

LPL deficiency or altered CII

Pancreatitis, lipema retinalis, eruptive xanthomas
Type IIa familial dyslipidemias


Elevated cholesterol

Decreased LDL receptors
Type IV dyslipidemia


Elevated TG

Hepatic overproduction of VLDL
Acute intermittent Porphyria
Deficient prophobilinogen deaminase

Accumulate porphobilinogen and delta-ALA

Abd pain, neurologic manifestations, urine darkens when standing

No photosensitivity
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Deficient uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase

Accumulate uroporphyrin (tea-colored)

Abd pain, pink urine, polyneuropathy, psychologica disturbances, precipitated by drugs.
Lead poisoning
Defective Ferrochelatase and ALA dehydratase

Accumulate coproporphyrin and delta-ALA
Factors that cause the Hb O2 dissociation curve to shift to the right
Increases Cl, H+, CO2, 2,3BPG and temperature

Cause increased unloading
Prader Willi
Deletion of normally active paternal allele

Mental retardation, obesity, hypogonadism, hypotonia
Angleman's syndrome
Deletion of normally active maternal allele

MR, seizures, ataxia, inappropriate laughter (happy puppet)
Cri-du-chat Syndrome
congenital deletion of short arm of chromosome 5

microcephaly, severe mental retardation, high-pitched crying/mewing, epicanthal folds, cardiac abnormalities
22q11 syndromes
Cleft palate, Abnormal facies, Thymic aplasia (T cell deficiency), Cardiac defects, Hypocalcemia (parathyroid aplasia)

Microdeletion at 22q11

Variable presentation as DiGeorge's (thymic, parathyroid, cardiac) or velocardiofacial (palate, facial, cardiac)