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87 Cards in this Set

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ideology of reforming government programs


journalists and photographers who exposed the abuses of wealth and power


offered cultural events, classes, childcare, employment, assistance, health-care, started by Jane Addams, Chicago, IL

hull house

preserve natural resources and the environment


created by President Roosevelt used for conservation of resources (set aside 150 million acres)

US park system

central banking system of the US to alleviate financial crisis

federal reserve

ensures that voters select candidates to run for office, rather than party bosses

direct primary

allows voters to petition state legislatures in order to consider a bill desired by citizens


allows voters to decide if a bill or proposed amendment should be passed


allows voters to petition to have an elected representative removed from office


the right to vote


rules issued by the government or an agency

regulate/ regulations

separation based on races


allowed federal government to collect income tax

16th amendment

direct election of US senators and representatives by popular vote

17th amendment

prohibition of alcohol

18th amendment

women’s voting voting rights

19th amendment

National American Women’s Suffrage Association


national association for the advancement of colored people


spurred creation for NACCP, civil rights activists meet

niagara movement

consisted of control of corporations, consumer protection, conservation

square deal

legislation proposed to clean up the meat packing industry and protect consumers

meat inspection act

pure food and drug

wrote the jungle that exposed the meat packing industry

upton sinclair

author of How the Other Half Lives

jacob riis

investigate journalist that wrote the shame of cities

lincoln steffens

president from 1901-1909

teddy rossevelt

president after teddy rossevelt

william howard taft

american birth control league and planned parenthood

margaret sanger

leader of the NAWSA to place pressure upon states to extend suffrage

carrie chapman catt

who were progressives?

reformers who attempted to solve problems caused by industry, growth of cities, and laissez-fair

what types of people made up progressives?

white protestants, middle class, native born, college educated professionals, social workers, scholars, politicians, preachers, teachers, and writers

list the progressive presidents

theodore rossevelt

william howard taft

woodrow wilson

list progressive beliefs.

move away from laissez fair w/ government regulating industry

make US gov responsive to people (voting)

limit power of the political bosses

improve worker’s rights, conditions for poor and immigrants

clean up the cities

end segregation and jim crow laws

which group were from the cities?


which group were middle class and educated?


which group failed


what 4 areas were progressives trying to reform?

social justice

political democracy

economic equality


list 3 ways they would improve social justice.

improve working conditions, eliminate child labor, help immigrants and the poor

give one political reform

get people to vote more

give one economic reform

regulate unfair trusts

give one economic reform

regulate unfair trusts

who were muckrakers and what did they try to do?

journalists and photographers who exposed the abuses of wealth and power

who was the muskraker whose work ended boss tweed’s corruption

thomas nast - political cartoons

what did jacob riis write and what was it about

how the other half lives-living conditions of the urban and poor; focused on tenements

the bitter cry of the children- child labor in the factories and education for children

who wrote the jungle

upton sinclair

what was the result of upton sinclair’s investigative work

in 1906 the meat inspection act and pure food and drug act were passed

what was the result of upton sinclair’s investigative work

in 1906 the meat inspection act and pure food and drug act were passed

which president cleaned up the meat packing industry

theodore roosevelt

what two pieces of reform did he pass?

food and drug act / meat inspection act

what two pieces of reform did he pass?

food and drug act / meat inspection act

which religious movement wanted to help immigrants adopt American middle-class standards

the charity organization movement

which movement applied gospel teachings and service to the poor

social gospel movement

which movement created community centers and social service agencies

settlement movement

which movement created community centers and social service agencies

settlement movement

which reformer created hull house

jane addams

who is florence kelley

lawyer, helped form the National Child Labor Committee

what led to the death of 146 workers in 1911

triangle shirtwaist factory fire in NYC

what led to the death of 146 workers in 1911

triangle shirtwaist factory fire in NYC

what happened as a result of a hurricane in galveston, TX

the city put in place a new mayor and a 5 person commission to run the town

what led to the death of 146 workers in 1911

triangle shirtwaist factory fire in NYC

what happened as a result of a hurricane in galveston, TX

the city put in place a new mayor and a 5 person commission to run the town

what is a city manager

hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council

what led to the death of 146 workers in 1911

triangle shirtwaist factory fire in NYC

what happened as a result of a hurricane in galveston, TX

the city put in place a new mayor and a 5 person commission to run the town

what is a city manager

hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council

what allows voters to petition state legislatures


what led to the death of 146 workers in 1911

triangle shirtwaist factory fire in NYC

what happened as a result of a hurricane in galveston, TX

the city put in place a new mayor and a 5 person commission to run the town

what is a city manager

hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council

what allows voters to petition state legislatures


what ensures that voters select candidates to run for office rather than political bosses

direct primary

what led to the death of 146 workers in 1911

triangle shirtwaist factory fire in NYC

what happened as a result of a hurricane in galveston, TX

the city put in place a new mayor and a 5 person commission to run the town

what is a city manager

hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council

what allows voters to petition state legislatures


what ensures that voters select candidates to run for office rather than political bosses

direct primary

which book exposed the horrors of the meat packing companies

the jungle

what led to the death of 146 workers in 1911

triangle shirtwaist factory fire in NYC

what happened as a result of a hurricane in galveston, TX

the city put in place a new mayor and a 5 person commission to run the town

what is a city manager

hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council

what allows voters to petition state legislatures


what ensures that voters select candidates to run for office rather than political bosses

direct primary

which book exposed the horrors of the meat packing companies

the jungle

which president created the national park service

theodore roosevelt

who did roosevelt support succeeding him as president

william howard taft

who did roosevelt support succeeding him as president

william howard taft

who created the payne-aldrich tariff and what did it do

william howard taft: meant to lower tariffs but actually increased it on some goods