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49 Cards in this Set

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Arithmetic Density

the number of people per square mile or per square kilometer

Physiological Density

the number of people per unit of arable land

Agricultural Density-

the number of farmers per unit of arable land

Crude Density

density in terms of people per total square land unit


People who study population

Carrying Capacity

the relationship between a population size and the amount of resources that can support it

Sex Ratios

number of males per 100 females in a population (males births/female births * 100)

Rapid Growing population on pyramid

a wide base and narrow head,

Slow growing population on pyramid

a more narrow base, yet is still bigger than the rest

Slowing population growth on pyramid

middle is the widest portion,

Population decline on pyramid

narrow, trophy shaped pyramid with larger top cohorts,

Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

the total number of live births in an area for every 1,000 people alive.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

average number of children a woman will have in her childbearing years.

Infant Mortality Rate (IM)

refers to how many babies under one year of age die in each year compared to live births.

Crude Death Rate (CDR).

is the total number of deaths in one year per 1,000 people.

Population Doubling Time

the number of years needed to double a population.


the permanent movement of people from one area to another.

The Demographic Transition

How populations evolve over time

Stage 1

High Birth rates

High death rates

Stable or slow increase

Stage 2

High Birth rates

Falling death rates

Rapid increase

Stage 3

Falling birth rates

falling death rates

Natural increase slows

Stage 4

Low birth rates

Low death rates

Almost stable natural increase

Stage 5

LOW birth rates

Low death rates

Little natural increase


stays local


spreads through region


spreads across regions

The Epidemiological Transition


Helps to explains changes in mortality for a country

Malthusian Theory

population would outpace food supply because population grows geometrically while food supply grows arithmetically.


policies promote births


policies seek to restrict birth.

The Gravity Model

the hypothesis that more people will be attracted to large cities even if they are far away.

Push factors

(negative) situations, events, or conditions in a place where a person currently lives that causes them to want to leave.

Dependency Ratio

the number of people who are under 15 and over 65

Pull factors

positive situations, events, or conditions in a place that draw people to a new destination.

Intervening obstacles

negative circumstances or features that hinder migration.

Intervening opportunities

positive circumstances or features that hinder migration.


-people entering a country or other political subdivision


-people leaving a country or other political subdivision

Asylum Seekers:

refugees who seek protection from another country

Transnational Migration

Migrants leave their country of origin and enter another country

Migrants maintain a

connection to their country of origin

Often settle in areas of similar migrants

Leave their mark on the cultural landscape


Migration where livestock are led to highlands areas in

Summer months and lowland areas in Winter months.

Interregional Migration:

movement within a region

Intraregional Migration:

movement within a region

Chain Migration

series of migrations within a group that begins with one person who through contact with the group, pulls people to migrate to the same area

Step migration

migration to a far away place that takes place in stages

Guest Workers and Remittances

Temporary migrants who often have legal permission to migrate for work or education related reasons.

An internally displaced person (IDP)

is forced to migrate for similar reasons, but they do not cross international borders.

Rate of natural increase

(birth rate - death rate)/10 - a positive NIR means a population is growing and a

negative NiR means a population is shrinking

Brain drain:

when the majority of educated or skilled workers leave an area to pursue better opportunities elsewhere