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13 Cards in this Set

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What are the long term complications of uc

Colectoral cancer

Secondary osteoporosis

Venous thromboembolism

Toxic mega colon

What is a contraindication during acute flare ups of uc

Loperamide/codeine for

In uc when is oral treatment used?

Extensive colitis (proximal)

Inflammation affecting most of the ascending (proximal) colon. Affects whole colon

In uc when are suppositories used?

In proctitis- inflammation of rectum

When are enemas and foam preparations used?

Back (Definition)

What is the treatment for acute mild-moderate uc?


1st line aminosalicylate - rectal

If not in remission after 4 weeks add oral aminosalicylate

Alternative - rectal corticosteroid or oral prednisolone

What is the treatment for acute mild to moderate proctosigmoiditis and left sided colitis?

1st line - rectal aminosalicylate

2nd line - if remission isn’t achieved after 4 weeks high dose oral aminosalicylate

Add rectal aminosalicylate or or oral beclometasone if necessary

Alternative- oral prednisolone alone

What is the treatment for acute mild to moderate extensive colitis?

Topical aminosalicylate and high dose oral aminosalicylate

2nd line if no remission within 4 weeks - stop topical aminosalicylate and give high dose oral aminosalicylate and prednisolone

What is the treatment for subacute (moderate-severe) uc?

Oral prednisolone

Alternative: monoclonal antibodies or biological drugs - Adalimumab, infliximab

What is the treatment for initial treatment failure in all extents of acute mild- moderate uc?

Add oral prednisolone after 4 weeks with aminosalicylate or topical corticosteroid after 4-8 weeks

Add oral tacrolimus if no response after 2-4 weeks

What is the treatment for severe acute uc

Immediate hospital admission - life threatening medical emergency.

1st line - iv corticosteroids e.g hydrocortisone or methyl prednisolone AND assess need for surgery

Alternative- iv ciclosporin OR surgery

2nd line - symptoms don’t improve/worsen within 72 hours

Iv ciclosporin + iv corticosteroid OR surgery

Alternative to ciclosporin - infliximab

How is remission maintained in proctitis and proctosigmoiditis?

Rectal amino salicylate alone or with oral aminosalicylate - administered daily or as part of intermittent regimen e.g 2-3 times weekly or first 7 days of each month

Can give oral aminosalicylates alone if patients prefer not to use enemas/suppositories but not as effective

How is remission maintained in extensive colitis and left sided colitis?

Low dose oral aminosalicylate

Single daily dose more effective than multiple daily doses but has more side effects

Oral azathioprine/mercaptopurine

If 2+ acute flare ups in 12 months that required systemic corticosteroids or if remission not maintained by aminosalicylates or after severe flare up