Both of inflammatory bowel diseases might need some drugs treatment such as anti diarrheal, immunosuppressant or anti inflammatory drugs depending on what types of problem they have. The inflammatory bowel diseases Crohn’s might need surgical resection to remove the damage area. As for the medical nutrition treatment of Crohn’s disease, depending on the patient’s situation they might need to have high caloric, high protein diet, enteral supplement and multivitamin. For Ulcerative Colitis patient for the surgical treatment they might need to have Colectomy to prevent future occurrences. For medical nutrition, Ulcerative Colitis patients need to be hydrated and their electrolytes need to be balanced. Ulcerative Colitis patients need to have low fiber diet and for worst case scenario they might need to withheld the food for brief period of …show more content…
You should stop consuming so much alcohol because alcohol is the primary cause of liver disease. So when you have long term liver disease your liver tissues gradually get destroyed and liver shows the sign of scarring and fibrosis. Liver can also get the irregular and nodular appearance. The end-stage of chronic liver disease condition is called cirrhosis. Cirrhosis patients’ shows sign of anemia, susceptibility to infection, blood clotting impairment, fat malabsorption, jaundice, ascites and varices. Some complication of cirrhosis that it can lead to portal hypertension as the scar tissues of liver impedes blood flow. Because of the scar tissues the pressure in the portal vein rises and also blood is diverted to collaterals which cause collaterals to enlarge and form varices which may rupture. Another complication of cirrhosis is that it can accumulate fluid in the abdominal cavity which is called ascites. Cirrhosis can also cause you to have abnormal neurological function which is called hepatic encephalopathy. It can also elevate ammonia level in your blood which is bad and also due to cirrhosis you can have malnutrition and