Crohn's Disease Model

Improved Essays
1. My model represents the digestive system excluding the mouth. The function of the digestive system is to ingest food, extract valuable nutrients from it, then excrete the wastes. The structure of the digestive system assists this function in many ways. The mouth is able to chew the food that we eat into smaller, easier to digest pieces (Cleveland). In addition to this, it adds saliva to the food which helps with the digestive process because it contains an enzyme called amylase which breaks down carbohydrates (Taylor). This chewed food then enters the esophagus which pushes it down through a process called peristalsis, in which the walls of the esophagus contract to perform movement similar to kneading. The food then enters the stomach which …show more content…
One disease that affects the digestive system is Crohn's Disease which affects roughly 700,000 American people (Schoenfeld). Crohn's Disease is one of many Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, which is a group of digestive conditions (Schoenfeld). Crohn’s Disease is a disease of the intestines which causes chronic inflammation (Schoenfeld). The exact cause of Crohn’s Disease is still unknown however doctors suspect is it caused by multiple causes such as a malfunctioning immune system and heredity (Mayo Clinic Staff). The immune system could be a cause because it is believed that a virus or bacterium may be a trigger for Crohn’s Disease (Mayo Clinic Staff). When the immune system attempts to attack the bacteria or virus, an abnormal immune response causes the immune system to attack the cells within the digestive tract (Mayo Clinic Staff). On the other hand, it is believed to be hereditary because it is more common in people who have relatives with the disease, therefore genes could play a role in the causing the disease (Mayo Clinic Staff). Crohn’s Disease mainly affects the ileum and the colon, which are segments of the small and large intestine respectively. The symptoms of the disease can come either gradually or suddenly, in addition to this, there can be a period of time when the symptoms are not experienced known as remission (Mayo Clinic Staff). Some of these symptoms include diarrhea, fever, fatigue, abdominal pain, cramping, blood in your stool, mouth sores, reduced appetite, weight loss and perianal disease (Mayo Clinic Staff). Most of these symptoms are caused by the inflammation and infections within the intestines that are caused by the disease (Mayo Clinic Staff). There is no cure for this disease, however, there are methods to treat it and reduce its effects, most of these include either drugs or surgeries. The most common medication that is provided to patients is anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids, immune system suppressors, such as

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