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12 Cards in this Set

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I'd like to buy a big black sports car, maybe a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. I'd also really like to learn how to play the guitar. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a rock star, but then I got a great job working for a big company. I have quite a lot of money now and also more free time, so it's a good time to make dreams come true.


I'd like to......

Eu gostaria de, eu queria

I'd also really like to......learn

Eu também gostaria muito de, eu também queria muito.....

Learn how to......

Aprender como.....

When I was younger

Quando eu era mais novo

I've always wanted to

Eu sempre quis

But then

Mais aí, mas depois, mas então

I got a great job

Arrumei um bom emprego

(Have) more free time

(Ter) mais tempo livre, vago

it's a good time to

É uma boa hora para, é um bom momento para

Make my dreams come true

Tornar meus sonhos realidade, realizar meus sonhos

I'd like to say something

I'd also really like to buy a new car

I have to learn how to do this

When I was younger, I did a lot of crazy things

Everything was ok, but then things changed

She got a great job as a manager in a local store

They have quite a lot of money, so they can do that

Now that I have more free time.

I guess it's a good time to say goodbye

All I want is to make my dreams come true. I just don't know how.
