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45 Cards in this Set

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Deductive reasoning

Going from general to the specific

Inductive reasoning

Going from the specific to the general

What do people sometime confuse theory with?

Philosophy, speculation, hypothesis, or taxonomy


The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge


A set of related assumptions that allows scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses.

6 criteria for a useful theory

Generates research, is falsifiable, organizes data, guides action, is internally consistent, and is parsimonious.

Descriptive research

Concerned with the measurement, labeling, and catagorization of the units employed in theory building

Hypotheses testing

Leads to an indirect verification of the usefullness of the theory.


People behave the way they do because of what happened to them in the past


Behavior is explained by future goals or purposes

Determinism vs free choice

Are peoples behaviors determined by forces over which they have no control? Or can people choose to be what they wish to be?

Pessimism vs optimism

Are people doomed to be miserable and can they change and choose to be happy?

Conscious vs unconscious determinants of behavior

Are people mostly creatures of biology, or are their personalities shaped largely by their social relationships?

Uniqueness vs similarities

Is the salient feature of people their individuality, or is it their common characteristics?

A blank is one the defines units in terms of observable events or behaviors that can be measured

Operational definition

Reliability - as it pertains to personality assessments

The extent to which the test yields consistent results


The degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure

What two types of validity are psychologists primarily concerned with?

Construct validity and predictive validity

Hypothetical constructs

Such as extraversion and intelligence that have no physical existence but should relate to observable behavior.

Three types of construct validity

Convergent validity, divergent validity, and discriminant validity

Convergent construct validity

To the extent that scores on that instrument correlate highly with scores with a variety of valid measures of that same construct. Such as an extraverion test correlating highly with another measure of extraverion such as socialbility

Discriminent construct validity

Discriminates between two groups known to be different. So a personality test measuring extraversion should yield higher scores for people known to be extraverted than for people known to be introverted.

Predictive validity

The extent that a test predicts some future behavior


The process of removing or lessening psychological disorders by talking about ones problems - Freud learned this from josef breuer while he was a medical student.

What happened while Freud was using catharsis?

He gradually discovered the free association technique, which replaced hypnosis as his principle theraputic technique

What significant revisions did freud make to his theory after world war 1?

The elevation of agression equal to a level of sexual drive, the inclusion of repression as one of the defenses of the ego, and his attempt to clarify the female oedipus complex.

Moralistic principle

A subsystem of the superego that tells people what they should not do

Idealistic principle

A subsystem of the superego that tells people what they should do

Conscience (Freud)

The part of the superego that through experience with punishment tells a person what is wrong or improper conduct


Results from experiences with rewards and tells us what we should do

A well developed super-ego does what

Acts to control sexual and aggresive impulses through the process of repression.

Primary narcissism

An infants investment of libido in its own ego; self-love or autoerotic behavior of the infant

Secondary narcissism

Self-love or autoerotic behavior in an adolescent


Sexual love for siblings and parents being repressed

What are the defense mechanisms of the ego?

Repression, reaction formation, displacement, fixation, regression, projection, introjection, sublimation

Manifest dream content

The surface or conscious level of a dream. Freud believed that the manifest level of a dream has no deep psychological significance and that the unconscious or latent level holds the key to the dream's true meaning.

How is unconscious psychic material disguised to enter into dreams?

Through condensation or displacement

What is condensation?

The unconscious material has been condensed or distilled to enter into the dream-the full depth remains in the unconscious or latent level

What is displacement?

When the images of our unconscious are replaced by images that represent our unconscious material but the real images aren't disclosed.

What two methods did freud use to interpret dreams and study the unconscious?

Associations and symbols


Strong sexual or aggressive feelings, positive or negative, that patients develop towards their analyst during treatment. The way they used to feel about their parents.

Positive transference

Permits patients to more or less relive childhood experiences within the nonthreatening climate of the analytic treatment.

What does Freud believe motivates people?

Aggression and sex

What does Adler believe motivates people?

Social influences and striving for superiority or success

Creative power

People's ability to freely shape their behavior and create their own personality