Eric Cartman is a fictional character and one the main protagonists from the TV show South Park. Trey Parker is the voice of Eric Cartman. He lives in a fictional town called South Park, Colorado, United States. He lives with his single mother name Liane Cartman, who spoils him and is considered a “crack whore” meaning she has had sexual relations with other men and was a drug addict. He did have a father name Jack Tenorman but he unknowingly killed him to get revenge on a 9th grader name Scott Tenorman in the episode Scott Tenorman Must Die (Parker, Stough, 2001). Cartman found out Jack Tenorman was his true father after bring lied to that Liane was a hermaphrodite or intersex in the episode …show more content…
According to, Sigmund Freud was an Austrian psychoanalysis who came up with the Structure of Personality theory and Psychosexual Development theory. Freud Structure of Personality is personality structured in three different notions, the id, ego and superego. The id is the pleasure drive that satisfies self needs and the impulsive part of the human mind, the superego controls what decisions you make and incorporates values and morals of society, and the ego has a balance between the two and works with reasoning and works as a reality principle (McLeud, 2007). When you watch Cartman and relate to this theory he is clearly controlled by his id, getting all the personal fulfillment and pleasures he wants. His ego shows no balance between his id and superego. The fact that he is repeatedly spoiled and getting anything he wants from his mother shows how dominant his id really is. Even when he doesn’t get what he wants, he complains to his mom and keeps on complaining until he gets what he wants. Him also not having a father figure to balance parenting with the edition of his mother poor parenting does not help either. Cartman’s condition is also linked to Freud’s Stage of Personality Development. Freud’s Stage’s of personality development consist of 5 stages, oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital with fixations if a stage does not go well. Each stage has erogenous zone, which is a body part …show more content…
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Schultz, Sydney Ellen. "Chapter 2." Theories of Personality. By Duane P. Schultz. 11th ed. Boston: Cengage, 2015. N. pag. Print.
McLeod, S. (2007). Id, Ego and Superego. Retrieved November 02, 2016, from
Parker, T. (Writer), & Stough, E. (Director). (2001, July 11). Scott Tenorman Must Die [Television series episode]. In South Park. Comedy Central.
Parker, T. (Writer), & Parker, T. (Director). (2010, April 21). 201 [Television series episode]. In South Park. Comedy Central.
Parker, T. (Writer), & Parker, T. (Director). (2003, November 12). Casa Bonita [Television series episode]. In South Park. Comedy Central.
Parker, T. (Writer), & Parker, T. (Director). (2000, June 28). Cherokee Hair Tampons [Television series episode]. In South Park. Comedy Central.
Parker, T. (Writer), & Parker, T. (Director). (2008, March 12). Tonsil Trouble [Television series episode]. In South Park. Comedy Central.
Parker, T. (Writer). (2004, March 24). Up the Down Steroid [Television series episode]. In South Park. Comedy