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50 Cards in this Set

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In which area of learning has technology given the most influence?

Distance learning

It uses a reverse instructional delivery method, where the teacher is expected to use online resources as homework or an extracurricular activity to introduce the topic that will be covered in class.

Flipped classroom

Mis. Gomez uses a technology tool in teaching which allows her students to collaboratively create and post written work or digital files, such as digital photos or videos.


Technology helps students learn how to learn independently. When a student looked up instructions on how to use a microscope online. What Egbert type of knowledge does the student develop?

Procedural knowledge

This type of thinking goes beyond memorization. It encourages students to make connections between ideas, work through issues, use creativity, and apply information in clever ways.

Critical thinking

This is the way of thinking that results in the creation of valuable and innovative Ideas. It is a skill that enables you to look at things differently and from new perspectives.

Creative thinking

To recognize the vifal role of information and communication in nation-building. "Department of Information and Communications Technology Act of 2015" was created. What law created DICT?

RA 10844

Using digital media often leaves traces of data and creates a digital footprint of our activity. What is the term for the systematic monitoring of people's actions or communications through the application of information technology


Which is a series of three or four rectangular boards which are joined together along the sides by hingers so they can be easily folded up and carried?

Zigzag board

Teacher Sarah was assigned in a mountain school and she wanted to present the instructional material to her class. What should be presented first if she wanted to do it in logical presentation?

Real object

This refers to the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning.

Instructional Technology

This refers to the utilization of technology in teaching and learning, which includes both the non-digital and digital technologies.

Educational Technology

This refers to the ability to discover, assess, utilize, share, and generate content with the use of information technologies and the internet.

Digital Literacy

This is designed to support schools to create safer online environments. The resources are backed by evidence and promote a nationally consistent approach to preventing and responding to online safety issues.

eSafety toolkit

This is a community-based e-learning centers for out-of-school youths and adults, Philippines.


Teacher Jovy aims to present and simplify a complex topic or piece of information via a graphic representation. What might she employ?


Which among the choices states one educational use of a QR Code?

A QR Code can contain instructions for a homework or task of a lesson.

1Which ICT tool is similar to a bulletin board?


In Gibb's Reflective cycle, this is the initial phase in writing a reflection. This phase is very simple since you only need to answer the question, "what happened?"


This is the first thing that readers will see in your ePortfolio. This is where you introduce yourself and the objective of your ePortfolio.

Home Page

Which statement is true about ePortfolio?

An ePortfolio contains students' reflection that discuss how they were able to accomplish the task and what they have leamed from the lesson.

Which of the following statements is correct about the domains of educational technology?

Utilization is the action phase.

What is the term given when a person can understand how to ensure safety and security in managing online identity and foster a positive digital reputation?

Identity Management

What 21st Century Skill is shown when students can express their ideas clearly, efficiently and in an organized manner through varied modes like face to face, technologically mediated or blended medium?


What 21st Century Skill is shown when students are made to work with others in pair or in team to accomplish a given fask or solve a problem at hand?


Which is the best reason why teachers state the objectives before using instructional media?

To determine which media to use best.

Which of the following technologies provide iconic experiences to students or children?

Pictures and videos

Teacher Gen wanted to show the parts of the heart using a large rubber visual material with all the different parts inside as a heart actually looks. Under which category is this visual aid classified?


What does a teacher use to show the functioning of a part of a whole?


Professor Reyes is thinking of an online learning approach by which content provides links to information at other locations and serves as a focal point for a distance education experience. Which of the following should she use

Web-based instruction

A morally upright individual who uses technology to connect and encourage compassion among people on a worldwide scale.

Global Digital Citizen

When you follow the rules governing the moral and responsible use of technology and act morally in all interactions and relationships in the digital world, you are referred to as______

Digital Citizen

You see the world as a place where everyone can coexist and prosper. You are conscious of how your participation in and contribution to the entire globe affects the values of the planet and are aware that your activities do so. You are a______

Global Citizen

Based on Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, which activity is closest to the real thing?

Watching a demonstration

What stage of technology integration occurs when there is a functional improvement in the use of technology tool?


When you rewrite a source's points or combine portions from several sources into one, submitting the result as your own work is an example of______


When a work protected by copyright is copied, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or transformed into a derivative work without the owner's consent, this is called________

Copyright Infringement

This is the most popular social networking website. It allows users to post their profile, blogs, pictures and videos. One can share news articles and status updates with friends and family.


Learners learn better when all their senses are involves. Which activity is classified under direct purposeful experience?

Making a piece of fumiture

Which applies to asynchronous learning?


This is a combination of learning activities wherein a portion of the lesson is presented online and the remaining portion is handled in a real-world classroom setting.

Blended Learning

What form of learning when there is no face-to-face contact with the teacher and lesson is delivered via telecommunications or via printed module.

Distance Learning

Using Skype at a predetermined time, Ms. Galit and her pupils virtually discussed a topic in the lecture. This is an example of_____


It is the electronic purchase or sale of goods through online services or the Internet.

Digital commerce

Which is true about portfolio assessment?

It is considered authentic assessment

When choosing teaching materials based on the ASSURE model, what should the teacher prioritize?


Ms. Marfel presented rea sample of flowers in her Science class. What principle did she apply?


Which of these technologies in the classroom are arranged from concrete to abstract?

Real objects, computers, audio visual materials and print

It is impractical to bring real objects to the classroom, so Teacher Ana constructed three-dimensional visual instead. Which of the following did she construct?


It is a framework that outlines how content and pedagogy must form the foundation for any effective educational technology integration.