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30 Cards in this Set

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Name the 3 different types of mucosa in the stomach.
Cardiac mucosa
Fundic mucosa
Pyloric mucosa (also antral)
The histological changes between mucosa types in the stomach are (gradual/abrupt)
Gradual (1-2 cm overlap) except for the Z line between esophagus and stomach.
Identify the cells
Histologically, surface epithelium in the stomach is of ____ type cells with basally situated nuclei.
Non ciliated simple columnar
Histochemically, foveolar mucus is PAS (+/-) and Alcian blue (+/-)
PAS+ and Alcian blue -
Pure cardiac mucosa is generally found within ___mm from the most distal esophageal squamous mucosa.
Hybrid mucosa of the stomach consist of squamous cells underlying a columnar epithelium and may be a sign of
Early Barrett's esophagus or metaplastic cardiac mucosa. Barrett's esophagus has a higher potential for malignant change.
Fundic (oxyntic) gland mucosa, in contrast to cardiac and pyloric mucosa, have glands that are (tightly packed/loosely packed) and (straight/coiled).
Tightly packed and straight
What portion of the stomach is consistent with the histology?
Cardiac and Pyloric mucosa
Name the cells
Name the cell:

These cells are cuboidal with a basally situated nucleus, stain pale blue-gray and secrete pepsinogen
Zymogenic cells (Chief cells)
Name the cell

These cells are roughly triangular with their base along the basement membrane, with cytoplasm that usually stain pink and a central nuclei.
Parietal cells
Name the cell:

Difficult to recognize on an H&E stain, easily on PAS. Highly proliferative.
Mucous cells
Name the cell:

Simple non-ciliated columnar type cells that are replaced every 4-8 days.
Surface epithelium
In the antrum, endocrine cells include ___ which secrete gastrin and ___ cells which secrete histamine and ___ cells which secrete somatostatin.
G cells, EC cells, D cells.
In the fundic mucosa, a major portion of endocrine cells are ___ cells and produce histamine.
ECF (enterochromaffin like cells)

(located at the base of glands)
List four cell types found in the lamina propria of the stomach
Fibroblasts, histiocytes, plasma cells, lymphocytes. (also occasional polymorphs and mast cells)
Are lymphoid follicles found in the normal stomach?
Yes, primary are but secondary lymphoid follicles with germinal centers are found only in gastritis (usually 2ndary to H Pylori)
The muscular layer of the stomach consist of (how many) layers which are:
3 layers:
Outer longitudinal, inner circular, and innermost oblique.
PAS/Alcian blue stain will stain acid mucin (what color) and neutral acid (what color)
Acid mucin is stained light blue, while neutral mucin is magenta. Combinations are purple.
Some artifacts can be introduced during gastric sampling and include
Crushing, stretching, biopsy induced hemorrhage.
Early gastritis changes include

a) reduction in mucin content of the cytoplasm
b) increase in nuclear size
c) presence of one or more prominent nucleoli
d) increased mitosis at the base of the foveolae
d) all the above

In severe active H. pylori related inflammation, the epithelium and the lamina propria are infiltrated by acute inflammatory cells
Optimum recognition of H. Pylori is enhanced by using which stains?
Giemsa, methylene blue, immunohistochemical stains.
Chronic gastritis may present with which findings?
Atrophy of the glands, increase in inflammatory cells in deep layers of the mucosa.
A ___ stain can be used to visualize atrophic gastritis
2 major types of metaplasia seen in the stomach are
Intestinal metaplasia and Pyloric (pseudopyloric) metaplasia.

(neither are symptomatic)
In pyloric metaplasia there is replacement of the ___ cells of the fundic glands with ____.
a) specialized acid and enzyme secreting,

b) mucus secreting glands.
Complete intestinal metaplasia is type (I/II) and consist of normal ___ epithelium, characterized by fully developed ___ cells and enterocytes with a brush border.
a) small bowel
b) goblet

Intestinal metaplasia reflects some degree of gastric damage usually from chronic gastritis.