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22 Cards in this Set

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In what situation would you use Spearman‘s rank correlation coefficient?

To find out how strongly 2 variables are correlated (or whether there’s any correlation)

e.g. number of pesticide applications, index of diversity

What does the student t-test actually do?

Shows whether the difference in the mean of 2 data sets is significant

e.g. mean growth of unfertilised and fertilised plants

When to use Unpaired student’s t-test?

• 2 categorical groups - (e.g. treated and untreated)

Groups made up of different individuals (independent data)

interval data - data that is measured on a scale where each unit is the same size (e.g. length in cm)

When would you use the Paired student’s t-test?

• 2 categorical groups that include the same individuals (2 measurements taken from each individual, e.g. respiration rate before and after exercise)

• each measurement in one group paired with a measurement in other group

• both groups same size

You do a student’s t-test and your t value is greater than the critical value (at your degrees of freedom and at a 0.05 probability level). What does this mean?

• the difference between the means of the two groups is significant

• there is more than 95% probability that the difference between the two means is not due to chance (less than 5% that it is due to chance)

• reject the null hypothesis (there’s no difference in the means)

How would you work out the degrees of freedom of the above data?

Unpaired student’s t-test

dF = (n1 + n2) - 2

dF = (7 + 8) - 2

dF = 13

How would you work out the degrees of freedom (dF) for the above data?

Paired student’s t-test

dF = n - 1

dF = 8 - 1

dF = 7

You do a student’s t-test and your t value is greater than the critical value (at your degrees of freedom and a 0.01 probability level). What does this mean?

• difference between the 2 means is significant

• more than 99% probability that the results are not due to chance

• reject the null hypothesis

In what situation in a student’s t-test can you reject the null hypothesis?

Your t-value ≥ critical value

What is a critical value in a student’s t-test?

The highlighted square - 3.499

What does a significant result mean?

Very unlikely to be due to chance

Define - categorical data?

Data that falls into distinct categories.

What is a variable?

A Factor in an experiment that does not have a fixed value - it can be controlled, changed or measured

In a Chi-Squared test, when can you reject the null hypothesis?

Your Chi-squared value ≥ the critical value

Work our the degrees of freedom (dF) for a Chi-Squared test?

Table with just one row/column.

dF = n - 1

dF = 4 - 3

dF = 3

Work out the degrees of freedom (dF) for a Chi-Squared test?

Table with just one row/column.

dF = n - 1

dF = 4 - 3

dF = 3

Work out the degrees of freedom (dF) for a Chi-Squared test?

Table with more than one row.

dF = (number of rows - 1) x (number of columns - 1)

dF = (2 - 1) x (2 - 1)

dF = 1

What does Chi-Squared test actually do?

Tests whether there is significant difference between observed and expected results

Your chi-squared value is < the critical value (at your degrees of freedom and a probability level of 0.05). What does this mean?

• the difference between the observed and expected results is not significant

• null hypothesis cannot be rejected

• “the results are not significantly different from what you might expect”

When would you use a chi-squared test?

Categorical data (e.g. dark and light moth colour)

The data is about frequencies

• the categories don’t have any particular order (like size)

independent data - each person/plant only appears in your results once - results didn’t interfere with each other

Work out the expected results in order to carry out a chi-squared test?

Back (Definition)

Calculation of the index of diversity of a population will give you a positive number ≥ 1.

What does an index of diversity of 1 mean?

All the organisms in the area are the same species

• There’s no diversity