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Takes pairs of arguments X and Y, where X arguments are Boolean expressions. When evaluated to TRUE, the arguments return the corresponding Y argument.

You can stack these in series to have multiple x and y comparisons in one - ex. (x, y, x, z, ....)

… | lookup usertogroup user output group
For each event, use the lookup table usertogroup to locate the matching “user” value from the event. Output the group field value to the event
3 Key Splunk Functional Components
Search Head (SH) - Indexer - Data Inputs
3 main methods to create viusalizations
1. Select field from fileds sidebar 2. Use Pivot interface 3. use SPL in search bar with Statistica and Visualizations tabs
4 Primary Indexes
Main - _audit - _internal - _thefishbucket
A knowledge object that enables you to search for events that contain particular field values
| addcoltotals adds row/column totals - Example |addtotals labelfield=product_name col=true
data feed - modular inputs - scripts or other mechanism for data colleciton - does not include UI
Alternate name you assign to FIELD. You can use field aliasing to normalize field names
Sets of Dashboards - views - searches used to support a particular buiness need or to solve a particular use case or type of problem
Benefits of Index Clustering
Data Availability - Data Fidelity - Data Recovery
Best way to improve search performance
Limit Time
Bloom Filter
Splunk Enterprise uses bloom filters to decrease the time it requires to retrieve events from the index
Boolean Operators are case sensitive
Calculated Fields
Calculated field operations are in the middle of the search-time operation sequence so they cannot reference lookups, event types or tags.
Can be a text document, a configuration file, an entire stack trace, and so on.
Can represent a multi-step business-related activity, such as all events related to a single customer session on a retail website.
Can you apply aliases to field lookups?
Clauses used with Top Command
limit - countfield - percentfield - showcount -showperc - useother - otherStr
Coalesce function
If you do not want the calculated field to override existing fields when the eval statement returns null
Command adds fields based on looking at the value in an event, referencing a lookup table, and adding the fields in matching rows in the lookup table to your event.
Command calculates aggregate statistics over a dataset, similar to SQL aggregation.
Command calculates the value of a new field based on other fields, whether numerically, by concatenation, or through Boolean logic
eval command
Command can be used to create new fields by using regular expressions to extracting patterned data in other fields.
Command creates tabular data output suitable for charting
chart command
Comparison Operators




Config to receive content from Deployment Server
Configuration Files
System Settings - Authentication - Index Mapping - Deployment & Cluster Configs - Knowledge Object and save searches
Configure inputs - forwarders - file monitoring
Configure regex-based host & source overrides
Create Report 2 ways
Search and Pivot
Data Classification
Alerts - events types - transactions
Data Enrichment
Lookups - Reports - Transforms - Views - Workflows - Data Normalization - Data Models
Data Enrichment
Lookups and workflow actions
Data Inputs
Files and Directories - Network Events - Windows Sources - Scripted Inputs - Modular Inputs
Data Interpretation
fields - fields extractions - macros - search commands
Data Interpretation
Fields and Field Extraction
Data Layer
C/C++ Server - accesses and processes and indexes streaming data and handles searches
Data Models
Make use of lookups - transactions - search time field extractions
Data Models
Encode domain knowledge needed for specialized searches
Data Models
Representation of datasets wich drive the pivot tool
Data Models
A data model is a hierarchically structured search-time mapping of semantic knowledge about one or more datasets. Data models drive the Pivot tool. They enable users of Pivot to create compelling reports and dashboards without designing the searches that generate them.
Data Models
Representative of 1 or more Datasets
a collection of data that you define and maintain for a specific business purpose. It is represented as a table, with fields for columns and field values for cells.
Dataset constraints
filter out events that aren't relevant to the dataset.
Default Search Mode
Default Selected Search Fields
Host - Source - SourceType
Determines how a forwarder sends data to receiving Splunk instance
Distributed Search
Horizontal scaling by distributing the indexing and searching load across multiple indexers - makes possible searching large volumes
Django Bindings
Provides DJango tags to create Splunk Views and Search Managers
Form transaction that ends with specific terms or field values or events
Builds regex for you
The eval command calculates an expression and puts the resulting value into a destination field. If this destination field matches a field name that already exists, it overwrites the existing field value with the results of the eval expression. The eval command evaluates mathematical, string, and boolean expressions.
Eval Command
Arithmetic - Concatenation - Boolean Example stats sume(sc_bytes) as Bytes by usage |eval bandwidth=Bytes/1024/1024 This creates a new field named "bandwidth"
Eval Command IF Function
Takes 3 arguments - if(x y z)

x = Boolean

y = is the if value and must be in quotes if not a number

z = else value

Single Record within the data
Event types
Data Classificaiton
Event types can have tags
Events Types
Group together sets of events discovered through searches
Example Search Clause
Example Search Command
Example Search Function
Example Search Term
sourcetype=acc* status=503
Exlcude Fields in Search by
using "fields" followed by field names or "-fieldname"

By listing field names, you are excluding all other fields.

By using -fieldname you are excluding only those "-" listed fields.

Extracted Fields
Good for rarely used fields
Facilitate event categorization using the full power of the search command, meaning you can use Boolean expressions, wildcards, field values, phrases, and so on.
event types
Field Extraction
Allow you to include/exclude specific fields
Fields are case sensitive
Fields Format Command
Formats values without changing the underlying value characteristics - same function as eval
fillnul Command
replace null values with zero or specified value - for example "|fillnull values="nothing to see here" would replace null value with "nothing to see here"
Filtering command returns the first count results. permits a search to stop retrieving events from disk when it finds the desired number of results.
Groups events that meet various constraints into transactions—collections of events, possibly from multiple sources.
Returns the first/last N results
Heat map
Highlights outstanding values
High and low values
Highlights max and min of non zero values
Hostname or IP address from where the data originates
How are Interesting Values identified?
Value is in at least 20% of the searched events
How do you interface with Splunk?
How do you monitor Windows Performance?
Forwarder or WMI
How many reports are available for character feilds?
3 - 1. Top Values 2. Top Values by Time 3. Rare Values
How to get data into Splunk
1. Splunk Settings 2. Apps 3. CLI 4. Editing Config Files
HTML and JavaScript
Convert Simple XML to HTML and JavaScript that accesses the SplunkJS Stack - Provides full layout control
inputlookup in search
|inputlookup http_status.csv
Is an argument to a command that runs its own search, returning those results to the parent command as the argument value.
Keyword arguments to the search command are case-sensitive
Let you quickly visualize a data pattern without creating a separate line chart.
Makes your data more understandable and less ambiguous
Manipulate field values at search time using

Eval Commands

max total time between events
max total time between earlist and latest events
Used to extract fields from table formated events
Assign tags to field values . Alias - assign to exisiting field name
Phase 1
Collect and Index
Phase 2
Search and Investigate
Phase 3
Add Knowledge
Phase 4
Monitor and Alert
Phase 5
Report and Analyze
Pivot Table requires a data model first
True - You need a data model first or Instant Pivot will create one for you.
Power User Role
Create KOs and Share Data
Provides a way to scale your deployment by separating the search management and presentation layer from the indexing and search retrieval layer
Distributed Search
Rare Search Term
Same as Top
Refers to the table, chart, or other visualization you create
Python or Perl Style Expression
Rename Command
Rename Arguement Field Name. Example -Rename IP as HostName
Views - Provide access to and displays data using search boxes fields and charts
Report Definition
At minimum, a report definition includes the search string and the time range associated with the search (expressed in terms of relative time modifiers).
Used to Configure and Manage Splunk Instance - Create and Run Searches - Create Applications
Address endpoint such as Apps - Users - Searches - Jobs - Indexes - Inputs - more
Returns a table of results where each row represents a single unique combination of the values of the group-by fields"


Regex - Regular Expression built by user
Runs its own search and returns the results to the parent command as the argument value
Search Best Practice
Be as specific as possible
Search Best Practice
Exclusion is better than inclusion
Search Best Practice
Filter Early
Search Best Practices
Filter out results as soon as possible before calculations. Use field-value pairs, before the first pipe. Filter out unnecessary fields as soon as possible in the search. Postpone commands that process over the entire result set (non streaming commands) as late as possible in your search. Some of these commands are: dedup, sort, and stats.Use post processing searches in dashboards. Use summary indexing, and report and data model acceleration features.
Search Boolean Operators
Search Events Listing is in what order?
Reverse Chronological (newest first)
Search Events Result time is based o what?
User Time Zone
Search Mode - Fast
Speeds up searches by limiting the types of data returned by the search.
Search Mode - Smart
The default setting, toggles search behavior based on whether your search contains transforming commands. For transforming searches, it behaves like Fast mode. For searches without transforming commands, it behaves like Verbose mode.
Search Mode - Verbose
Returns as much event information as possible, at the expense of slower search performance.
Search Modes
1. Fast 2. Smart 3. Verbose
Search Terms are Case Sensitive
Server Layer
Python & DJango - Use Splunk SDK for Python to directly write code
Shows details about your search, such as the execution costs of your search, debug messages, and search job properties.
Job Inspector
Simple XML
Default Dashboards - Chart Customization - Dynaminc Drilldowns - Access to custom CSS and JavaScript files - Custom behaviors & visualizations using SplunkJS stack libraries
SImple XML Extensions
Customize the layout of dashboards - new visualizations - dashbaord behaviors
Name of file - stream or data input
Type of data
Sourcetype is not required
FALSE - sourcetype must be defined
SPL Filtering Results
search, where, dedup, head, tail
SPL Filtering, Modifying, and Adding Fields
fields, replace, eval, rex, lookup
SPL Grouping Results
SPL Reporting Results
top/rare,estats, chart, timechart
SPL Search Components
Search Terms+Commands+Functions+Arguments+Clauses
SPL Sorting Results
Splunk Index
raw data + Index Files
Splunk Web Architecture
Client Layer - Server Layer - Data Layer
Form transaction that start with specific terms or field values or events
Static Functions are case sensitive
Stats Command
Count - DistinctCount - Sum - avg - list - Values
Stats Count Command
| stats count(action) as ActionEvents for example - stats count as "Total Sales by vendors" by product_name
Stats List
|stats list(Asset) as "Company Assets" by Employee - Returns a row for each employee and a list of their assets
Stats Sparkline
|stats sparkline(count, 24h) as "Page Hits" by uri
Stats Sum
|stats sum(price) as "Gross Sales" by product_name
Steps to create lookup
Add lookup file then add lookup definition - Add Automatic Lookup to make searching easier
Stores saved searches
Summary indexing
A method of search acceleration. The results from a summary-indexing optimized search are stored in a special format that cannot be modified before the final transformation is performed.
Table Command
Builds table made up from fields used in argument list
Enable you to assign names to specific field and value combinations
The subsearch is run first
This command removes subsequent results that match specified criteria
date/time of the event
TImestamp recognition - event segmentation - host & source mathcing
Top Command
Returns count or percent
tostring function
Converts numerical values to string. For example - |eval totoal_list_price = "$" + tostring(to_list_price)
Groups search results into transactions
Transaction Command
Allows you to correlate related events on a field or list of fields that span time
Transaction vs Stats
Transactions correlates events or when events need to be grouped on start and end values (think "time") while Stats used when you want to see the results of a calculation and group events on field value
are collections of conceptually-related events that span time
Transforming Commands
Create Statics and Visualizations

(think "transforming data into something visual")

Two interfaces to manage data
1. Home App 2. Splunk Settings
Two primary ways that Splunk helps with categorizing data
tagging and event types
Two ways to gather Windows Inputs
WMI or Forwarder
Use CIM to ensure
Common Information Model - Multiple Apps can co-exist on a single Splunk Deployment. Object Permissions can be set to global for use of mutliple apps. Easier and more effecient correlation of data from different sources and source types
Used to send content to indexeers to sync SH
Deployment Server
Verify lookup using what
inputlookup - "| inputlookup yourlookupname"
What 2 fields do Transaction Commands creates
duration and event count
What are 3 permissions
Private - Shared in App - Global
What are table headers?
Field Names
What are table results
What does each row in a table represent?
An event
What does the "#" represent next to the field?
Number Value
What does the "a" represent next to the field?
String Value
What is a lookup
Static CSV or Python Script
What is always extracted unless removed?
_raw and _time
What search mode is "TOP" command executed in?
SMART Search Mode
What search panel shows which files (or other sources) your data came from?
When are aliases applied
After field extraction but before lookups

(makes sense, you cannot assign an alias unless it has been extracted and why do you want to alias? to normalize your data to use later... ie lookups)

When are Fields extracted from the raw text for the event?
Search Time
When using the "TOP" command, where are results displayed?
Stats Tab
When you have a choice between Stats and Transactions, you should use which one?
Stats because stats is faster and more effecient
Who can create Data Models?
Admin and Power User Roles
Workflow Action
Interaction between fields and other apps or web
Workflow Action
Enable interactions between fields in your data and other applications or web resources
You can create your own sourcetype
TRUE - Automatic - Manual - or From a list
You cannot base an event type on a search that
Includes a pipe operator after a simple search. Includes a subsearch. Is defined by a simple search that uses the savedsearch command to reference a report name.
Fields and field extractions
Data interpretation

(You are making sense of the data index by identifying your data)

Event types
Data Classification

(You are making sense of events by giving them a name)

Lookups and workflow actions
Data Enrichment

(You are adding value to existing data)

Tags and aliases

(You are standardizing your data for use)

CIM object permissiona can be used in multiple apps TRUE/FALSE
Naming Conventions
FORMAT of the name: Group - Search Type - Platform - Category - Time Interval - Description
Lookup fields retrieved from the lookup file are the ____ fields.
The lookup field from the event is the ____ field.
What command is used to load lookup results?
What lookup command do you use when you do not want to overwrite existing fields?
The output lookup fields persist for all searches TRUE/FALSE
FALSE - They persist for the current search only
You can edit automatic lookups TRUE/FALSE
FALSE - You can only Edit Permissions, Clone, Delete or Move
When creating a field alias, what is the first "field aliases" value?
The value of the existing field
A new alias replaces the original field in the "interesting fields" side bar TRUE/FALSE
False - Both appear
You can edit Field Aliases TRUE/FALSE
FALSE - You can only Edit Permissions, Clone, Delete or Move
How do you use a Calculated Field?
Using the eval command
You can use calculated fields on output fields from lookup tables TRUE/FALSE
FALSE - They can only be used on extracted fields
You cannot edit Calculated Fields TRUE/FALSE
TRUE - You can only Edit Permissions, Clone, Delete or Move
What is used to manage extracted fields?
Field Extraction Manager
Two field extractor (FX) methods
Regex and Delimeter
3 Options to extract fields
1 Settings 2 Fields Sidebar 3 Event Actions
You cannot edit Tags TRUE/FALSE
FALSE - You can edit tags and even change the tag name
Data Models consists of what 3 types of objects?
Events, searches, transactions. This can be seen on the left panel when creating data models.
What are the Data Model Events Constraints?
Constraints are the search broken down into a hierarchy. You are building a hierarchy where each constraint inherits the parent search string.
What are the 3 Data Model Events
1. Event objects that contain constraints and attributes 2. Constraints are the search broken down into a hierarchy 3 Attributes are the fields and properties associated with the events
Data Model Event Object Attributes are inherited from parent objects TRUE/FALSE
What are Data Model Event Object Attributes?
The fields you want to include in the object
What are Data Model Search Objects?
Searches that include transforming commands to define the dataset they represent
Can Data Model Search Objects have attributes?
What are the Data Model Transaction Objects?
Enable the creation of objects that represent transactions and use fields that have already been added to the model using search or event objects
What must you have when creating data models before you can start adding transaction objects?
At least one event or search

(hard to have transactions without events)

How can you use Data Model Attributes in a Pivot?
Splits for rows and columns or to filter events

(what are attributes? fields)

What Data Models cannot be accelerated?
Private Data Models
What Data Models cannot be edited
Accelerated Data Models

What are the 2 kinds of Splunk Searches?

RAW Event Searches and Transforming Searches

What are Transforming Searches

Transforming searches are searches that perform some type of statisticalcalculation against a set of results

When you use the timechart command, what do the X and Y axis represent?

X always = time

Y = other values

Withthe chart command, what keyword do you use to determine what field takes the x-axis?

over keyword

Example: sourcetype=access_* | chart avg(clientip) over date_wday.

date_wday is the x-axis

What search command can you use to split your results?

Use the "by" command. When you see the "by" command, think split by.

Example: sourcetype=access_* | chart count over ssl_type by host.

Where ssl_type is the x axis of a stacked bar chart split by host.