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103 Cards in this Set

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information highway between brain and body
spinal cord
where spinal cord extends through
vertebral canal from foramen magnum to L1
each pair of spinal nerves receives ____ and issues____ to muscles and glands
sensory information, motor signals
spinal cord is a component of the ___, while the spinal nerves are part of the___
bundles of fibers passing information up and down spinal cord
functions of spinal cord
conduction, locomotion, reflexes
repetitive, coordinated actions of several muscle groups,
pools of neurons providing control of flexors and extensors
central pattern generators
involuntary, stereotyped responses to stimuli, involves brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves
how many pairs of spinal nerves arise from cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions of the cord
31 pairs
tapered tip of spinal cord
medullary cone
L2 to S5 nerve roots, resembles horse's tail
Cauda equinae
3 fibrous layers of meninges enclosing spinal cord
dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
layer of simple squamous epithelium lining dura mater and loose mesh of fibers filled w/ csf(creates subarachnoid space)
arachnoid mater
delicate membrane adherent to spinal cord, filium terminale and denticulate ligaments anchor the cord
pia mater
tough collagenous membrane surrounded by epidural space filled w/ fat and blood vessels
dura mater
neuron cell bodies w/ little myelin
gray matter
has a pair of dorsal or posterior horns and a pair of bentral or anterior horns
gray matter in the spinal cord
dorsal root of spinal nerve is totally ...
sensory fibers
ventral root of spinal nerve is totally ...
motor fibers
white matter
myelinated axons
bundles of myelinated axons that carry signals up and down to and from brainstem
white column
3 pairs of white columns or funiculi
dorsal, lateral, and anterior columns
each white column is filled w/ ...
named tracts or fasciculi
fibers w/ a similar origin, destination, and function
ascending and descending tracts
heading up or down
means that the fibers cross sides
means origin and destination are on opposite sides
means origin and destination are on the same sides
carry signals from arm and leg
fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus
carries signal to cerebral cortex
3rd order neuron
deep touch, visceral pain, vibration, proprioception
dorsal column ascending pathway
decussation of 2nd order neuron in medulla
dorsal column ascending pathway
pain, pressure, temp., light, touch, tickle, and itch occur in this pathway
spinothalamic pathway
in the spinothalamic pathway, decussation of the _______ occurs in the _______.
2nd order, spinal cord
in the spinothalamic pathway, ________ arise in the ______ and continure to cerebral cortex.
3rd order neurons, thalamus
pain signals from tissue infury occur in this
spinoreticular tract
in spinoreticular tract, decussate in _______ and ___ w/ _____
spinal cord, ascend, spinothalamic fibers
the spinoreticular tract ends in________
reticular formation(medulla and pons)
in the spinoreticular tract the _________ continue to ____ and cerebral cortex
3rd and 4th order neurons, thalamus
in this pathway, _______ signals from limbs and trunk travel up to the _______.
spinocerebellar pathway, proprioceptive
in the spinocerebellar pathway ____ nerves _____ in _____ lateral column
2nd order neurons, ascend, ipsilateral
this tract is responsible for precise, coordinated movements
corticospinal tract
2 neuron pathways of corticospinal tract
1. upper motor neuron in cerebral cortex
2. lower motor neuron in spinal cord
decussation in medulla
corticospinal tract
3 descending motor tracts
1. tectospinal tract(tectum of midbrain)
2.) reticulospinal tract(reticular formation)
3. vestibulspinal tract(brainstem nuclei)
controls limb movements important to maintain posture and balance
reticulspinal decending motor tract
reflex turning of head in response to sights and sounds
tectospinal descending motor tract
postural muscle activity in response to inner ear signals
vestibulospinal descending motor tract
diseases causing destruction of motor neurons and skeletal muscle atrophy
poliomyelitis and ALS
spread by fecally contaminated water
causes sclerosis of spinal cord due to astrocyte failure to reabsorb glutamate neurotransmitter
Amyotroephic Lateral Sclerosis
weakness progresses to paralysis and respiratory arrest
causes paralysis and muscle atrophy
a nerve is a bundle of _____
______covers nerves, ______ surrounds a fabiscle, and ______ separates individual nerve fibers
epineurium, perneurium, endoneurium
in a nerve, blood vessels penetrate only to the ______
ganglia in pns
cluster of neuron cell bodies in nerve in pns
the ____ ganglion is _____ cell bodies
dorsal root, sensory
in the dorsal root ganglion of the pns, ____ pass through w/out _____
fibers, synapsing
how many pairs of spinal nerves
where do mixed nerves in the spinal nerves exit
intervertebral foramen
proximal branches of spinal nerves
dorsal roots, ventral roots, cauda equina roots
proximal branch that is the motor input of the spinal cord
ventral root
proximal branch that is sensory input to spinal cord
dorsal root
proximal branch w/ roots from L2-CO of the cord(horsetail)
cauda equinae
distal branches of spinal nerves
dorsal ramus, ventral ramus, meningeal branch
distal branch to meninges, vertebrae and ligament
meningeal branch
distal branch that supplies dorsal body muscle and skin
dorsal ramus
distal branch to ventral skin and muscles and limbs
ventral ramus
# of cervical spinal nerves
# of thoracic spinal nerves
# of lumbar spinal nerves
# of sacral spinal nerves
# of coccygeal spinal nerves
each spinal nerve receives sensory input from a specific area of skin called
overlap at edges by 50%
cutaneous innervation and dermatomes
# of succesive spinal nerves it takes to have a total loss of sensation
nature of somatic reflexes
quick, involuntary, stereotyped reactions of glands or muscle to sensory stimulation
are automatic responses to sensory input that occur w/out our intent or often even our awareness
somatic reflexes
somatic reflexes function by means of a ______
somatic reflex arc
somatic reflexes start w/ a ______ of somatic receptors
in somatic reflexes ______ fibers carry signal to ______ of spinal cord
afferent, dorsal horn
in somatic reflexes, _____ fibers carry impulses to skeletal muscles
sense organ(proprioceptor) that monitors length of muscle and how fast muscles change in length
muscle spindle
the muscle spindle is composed of _______ fibers, _____ fibers and gamma motorneurons
intrafuscal muscle, afferent
when a muscle is stretched, it contracts and maintains increased tonus (stretch reflex)
stretch(myotatic) reflex
the stretch(myotatic) reflex helps maintain____and_____
equilibrium, posture
examples of stretch(myotatic) reflexes
head starts to tip forward as you fall asleep, muscles contract to raise the head
the stretch(myotatic) reflex _____joints by balancing tension in ______and______ smoothing muscle actions
stabilize, extensors and flexors
knee-jerk(patellar) reflex
monosynaptic reflex
why is testing somatic reflexes benefitial to us
helps to diagnose many diseases
prevents muscles from working against each other in stretch(myotatic) reflex
reciprocal inhibition
has a polysynaptic reflex arc, occurs during withdrawal of foot from pain
flexor withdrawal reflexes
in flexor withdrawal reflexes, ______ in spinal cord controls sequence and duration of muscle contractions
neural circuitry
maintains balance by extending other leg
crossed extensor reflexes
type of crossed extensor reflex that extends up and down the spinal cord
intersegmental reflex
this type of crossed extensor reflex arc is explained by pain at one foot causes muscle contraction in other leg
contralateral reflex arc
in this type of reflex, there are proprioceptors in a tendon near its junction w/ a muscle-1mm long, encapsulated nerve bundle
golgi tendon reflex
in golgi tendon reflex, ______ on tendon inhibits motor neuron
functions when muscle contracts unevenly
golgi tendon reflex
early symptoms of spinal cord trauma
spinal shock
in spinal cord trauma, tissue damage at time of injury is followed by _______
post-traumatic infarction