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30 Cards in this Set

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1) A woman was referred to a community mental health agency by the local hospital is tested twice for AIDS. Thought test results are negative, she requests another test. The social worker should assess.

1. The reasons for her concern

2. Her current mental health diagnosis

3. Her knowledge about AIDS

4. Her AIDS risk behavior
The reason for her concern
2) DSM-IV describes a group of symptom patters limited to a specific ethnic or national group as

1. A cultural syndrome

2. A standard DSM-IV diagnosis

3. A nonstandard diagnosis

4. A culture-bound syndrome
A culture-bound syndrome
3) After an incident in which a neighbor’s dog attacked and bit her, the child refuses to be near dogs, has frequent nightmares and seems to “replay” the event. The likely diagnosis is

1. Separation anxiety

2. Childhood Adjustment Disorder

3. Reaction formation

4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
4) A social worker at a suicide hotline receives a call at 2am from someone who says he is depressed and contemplating suicide, The social worker should

1. Keep talking to him on the telephone until a specific arrangement can be made with a therapist later in the morning

2. Send a crisis worker immediately or convince him to go to the hospital emergency room

3. Tell him no one is available and to call back in a few hours

4. Tell him to go to a mental health agency in the morning
Send a crisis worker immediately or convince him to go to the hospital emergency room
5) The difference(s) between social casework and psychoanalytic psychotherapy is (are) that

A. Social case work focuses on conscious and preconscious material; psychotherapy focuses on unconscious material

B. Social casework avoids overcoming repression psychotherapy tries to break through repression.

C. Social casework involves only concrete services psychotherapy involves work with emotional and behavioral problems.

D. Social casework does not encourage a regressive transference; psychotherapy does

1. C & D
2. A, B & D
3. A
4. B
A, B & D
6) In assessing personality functioning, the worker would not include

1. Object relations

2. Ego Functioning

3. Symptomatology

4. Degree of narcissism
Degree of narcissism
7) The diagnostic category that does not mean the same as the others is

1. Character neurosis

2. Character disorder

3. Personality disorder

4. Psychoneurosis
8) The most important consideration is choosing a goal with a client is

1. What the client wants

2. What the agency wants

3. What the worker wants

4. What the client’s parents want
What the client wants
9) A client’s capacity to enter a social work relationship cannot usually be determined by

1. Emotional and Personality
make up

2. Age

3. Judgment

4. Intelligence
10) A criterion that is not a measure of a client’s motivation is

1. The level of discomfort

2. The level of hope

3. Ego strengths

4. The ability to see himself or herself as able to change
Ego strengths
11) A “professional relationship” between the social worker and the client would not include

1. A controlled relationship where the helping process is directed only to the client’s needs without the intrusion of the worker’s personality or needs

2. A testing ground for the client to learn how to relate through contract with the worker

3. A structured situation in which the client may borrow strength from the worker

4. An arena for a transference relationship in which the worker encourages the client to explore early libidinal fears with the aim of reenacting them in the worker client relationship.
An arena for a transference relationship in which the worker encourages the client to explore early libidinal fears with the aim of reenacting them in the worker client relationship.
12. In the initial phase of treatment, the primary task of a social worker is to

1. Establish a relationship with the client

2. Understand why the client is seeking help

3. Engage the client in treatment

4. Gather information for a psychosocial diagnosis
Understand why the client is seeking help
13) To diminish a client’s resistance the worker would

1. Acknowledge the client’s ambivalence about accepting help

2. Increase the client’s anxiety to increase his or her motivation

3. Be firm with the client and insist on an answer to all questions

4. Remind the client of the reason for seeking assistance and stress the importance of cooperation
Acknowledge the client’s ambivalence about accepting help
14) The most appropriate technique to use with a new client who is decompensating is

1. Confrontation

2. Ego support

3. Ventilation

4. Operant conditioning
Ego Support
15) Assertive casework is a technique in which

1. The worker encourages the client to be more assertive in his interpersonal relationships

2. The worker is insistent that the client answer all questions to see how he or she functions under stress

3. Within a very short time limit, the caseworker asks probing questions and provides direct interventions

4. The worker allows the client to tell the story in piecemeal fashion, allowing time to develop a relationship and increase his or her strength
Within a very short time limit, the caseworker asks probing questions and provides direct interventions
16) A key element of Freud’s work that is the basis of social casework is the idea of

1. Transference

2. Social history

3. Interpretation and clarification

4. Defense mechanisms
17) Using the techniques of “modifying the environment” helps to dimish

1. Superego anxiety

2. Objective anxiety

3. Instinct anxiety

4. Anticipatory anxiety
Objective anxiety
18) In the social work relationship, the social worker should be careful not to act on

1. Transference reaction

2. A worker-client relationship

3. A countertransference reaction

4. The client’s desire to change the contract and add new goals
A countertransference reaction
19) A social worker would interpret preconscious material to a client

1. Only when the new insight will help him or her

2. If he or she understand the client’s behavior thoroughly

3. When the client is ready to accept it and not see it as criticism

4. Only in the most unusual circumstances, or not at all
When the client is ready to accept it and not see it as criticism
20) According to Ego Psychology, a client often invokes feelings in the social worker that the client is trying to repress. This allows the client to

1. Relieve himself of any responsibility for his own feelings

2. Discharge pent-up feelings by satisfying them vicariously through the social worker

3. Help the worker understand how he or she feels unconsciously

4. Get the mothering and nurturance that he or she did not receive as a child
Discharge pent-up feelings by satisfying them vicariously through the social worker
21) On an unconscious level, according to Ego Psychology, a client seeks help for motives that differ from those on the conscious level. These unconscious motives include

1. Mothering

2. Reassuring unconscious concerns

3. Keeping unconscious desires from consciousness

4. Fear of intimacy
Keeping unconscious desires from consciousness
22) Supportive therapy would not be used if the client is

1. Diagnosed a psychotic

2. Seeking self-awareness

3. Able to solve problems not adversely affected by the unconscious

4. Diagnosed as a schizophrenic
Seeking self-awareness
23) In working with a client who has paranoid ideation, the social worker would not use

1. A corrective relationship

2. Ventilation

3. Selected interpretations

4. Confrontation
24) In Rational Behavior Therapy, the difference between the “normal” adolescent and the adolescent who acts out is that the latter

1. Is less intelligent and more aggressive

2. Needs less structure and more interpretation

3. Have more anxiety and an unloving family

4. Needs more structure and resolves conflict with activity as opposed to thinking
Needs more structure and resolves conflict with activity as opposed to thinking
25) Mr. and Mrs. Beech continuously argue and bicker, though they agree in one area Mr. Beech’s beginning career as a college teacher. Bother are pleased with his choice of the profession, the salary, and the university that hired Mr. Beech. Mr. Beech is on the verge of an emotional collapse, however, due to his fears of starting a career and the stress involved in completing his dissertation and his work as an instructor. Mrs. Beech demands constant attention and interferes with his work

1. Modify the attitudes that created the marital crisis

2. Give support to Mr. Beech and help him work through the stresses involved in pursuing his academic career.

3. Examine and interpret the underlying causes of their marital conflict

4. Help Mrs. Beech minimize her destructive attacks on her husband.
Give support to Mr. Beech and help him work through the stresses involved in pursuing his academic career.
26) In treating a client diagnosed as schizophrenic, the caseworker’s most important task is to

1. Examine the client’s negative experience with his or her parents

2. Listen sympathetically, but at the first opportunity, shift to reality matters

3. Establish affective contact with the client

4. Separate fantasy from reality for the client
Establish affective contact with the client
27) The process of termination does not involve working through the client’s feelings of

1. Abandonment

2. Loss

3. Relief

4. Anger
28) “Positive Regard” and “non-possessive warmth” as outlined by Rogers refer to an attitude of

1. Respect for client autonomy

2. Support for a client

3. Acceptance

4. Permissiveness
29) In social work the function of the contract is to

1. Hold the worker accountable

2. Hold the client accountable

3. Confirm the reciprocal role expectations and tasks to be achieved

4. Hold the agency accountable
Confirm the reciprocal role expectations and tasks to be achieved
30) A major difference between clinical social work and psychiatry is

1. The use of verbal techniques

2. The use of nonverbal techniques

3. The ability to prescribe medications

4. A focus on intrapsychic issues
The ability to prescribe medications