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16 Cards in this Set

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Which is a "slightly movable" joint in the pelvis?
sacroilliac joint
Which are "highly movable" joints in the pelvis? What are their possible actions?
sacrolumbar- (hinge) flexion, extension, hyperextension

illiofemoral- ("hip joints") flexion, extension, A44, A24, inward/outard rotation
What are the limitations of movement of the sacroilliac and sacrolumbar joints?
sacroilliac- ligamentous

sacrolumbar- ligamentous and bony (some bony process come in contact)
What are the limitations of movement in the illiofemoral (hip) joints?
Y ligaments- limit outward rotation when hip is extended, become lax when hip is flexed

bony- joint mechanics, alignment, orientation of femoral nkec, head, acetablum
What is the assessment of correct peliv alignment?
anterior- ASIS level with each other, form triangle with pubis symphisis

lateral- ASIS and PSIS horzantal, symphisis pubis on same vertical
What is Anterior Pelvic Tilt?
-AsIS lower than PSIS, increase curve in spine
-most common misalignment
What is Posteror Pelvic Tilt?
PSIS lower than ASIS, decrease curve of spine
-"professor stance"
What is Pelvic Torsion?
asymmetrical alignment of right and left halves
-ASIS lower on one side than the other, PSIS opposite
What are the implications of differences in the width of the pelvis?
wider- less effecient locomotion, flatter posterior mass

narrower- more effecient locomotion, greater posterior mass

look at distance between PSIS (width of sacrum)
What is coxa vara and varus?
angle of femoral neck, relative to shaft (look at picture in notes)

vara- reduced A24, outward rotation
varus- increased A24, outward rotation

if you have wide pelvis, you probably have coxa vara
What is femoral anteversion and retroversion?
almost like a torsion in the neck of the femur, angle that femur enters acetablum

anteversion- outward rotation
retroversion-inward rotation
What is the most important factor in determining degree of possible turnout? What are they?
bony structures:

angle of femoral neck, angle that femur enters acetablum, relative concavity and length of neck of femur, facing of acetablum, depth of acetablum
What are the effects of the depth of acetablum?
shallow- great range of motion
deep- greater restriction of motion
narrow pelvis, deep and/or forward facing acetablum, vertically descending ischium
greater locomotion, higher jumps, more balance, narrow hips

less ROM in hips, less turnout, larger posterior mass, reduced stability
wide pelvis, shallow and/or lateral facing acetablum, flaring ischium
greater ROM in hips, better turnout, less posterior mass, lower COG/grounded

less effecient locomotion, less effecient jumps, reduced vertical balance, wide hips
What is your turnout at birth?What happens as you grow old? What can you do to increase your turnout?
-at birth large natural turnout
-adulthood, natrural turnout decreases dramatically
-cannot increase turnout, but can maintain what you already have