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77 Cards in this Set

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who was gregor mendel

-father of genetics

-observed pea plants

difference between a dominant and recessive trait

dominant alleles cover up the presence of other alleles for the same trait, recessive alleles are masked by a dominant allele for the same trait

know how to make a mono-hybrid cross using a punnet square





the letters


two of the same alleles in a trait (HH, tt)


dissimilar alleles (Hh)

what is a mutation

changing of a structure of a gene

age of the earth

4.6 billion years

radiometric dating

the breaking down of natural materials inside of other materials at a known rate

earliest forms of life

anaerobic prokaryotes

natural selection

animals best suited to their environment reproduce quicker

what drives natural selection

positive mutations

darwin's voyage

HMS Beagle, The Origin of Species, Galapagos islands


inherited from a common ancestor


not inherited from a common ancestor

vestigual structures

structure that was useful to an ancestor but we don't have a need for it today

hardy-weinberg equilibrium conditions

large population

no positive mutations

no natural selection

random mating

no leaving

DNA sequence similarities



walks on two feet

patterns of evolution


lamarack's acquired traits

idea that physical traits acquired over a certain amount of time will be passed on to offspring

function of skeletal system

support, movement, blood cell production etc.

know the bones of the human body



hold joints together

types of joints

fixed, slightly moveable, freely moveable


living bone cells found in compact bone

function of muscular system


function of tendons and ligaments

tendons connect muscle to bone, ligaments connect bone to bone

smooth muscle

involuntary, found in walls of stomach

cardiac muscle

involuntary, found in walls of heart


voluntary bones

conditions for contraction and relaxation


extensor and flexor muscles

flexor: muscle that bends a joint

extensor: muscle that straightens a joint


point where muscle attaches to stationary bone


point where muscle attaches to moving bone

function of skin

protection and senses

function of melanin and keratin

melanin gives skin pigment and keratin is a leathery waterproof layer of skin

function of respiratory system

exchange gases with cardiovascular system

identify structures of the respiratory system

role of alveoli

clusters of tiny air sacs branching off of the bronchiole

understand how gases are exchanged in bronchiole


function of immune system

seek out and destroy disease-carrying organisms or substances

role of helper T cells

recognize disease filled antigens, find them and destroy them.

function of antibodies

protein that reacts, inactivates, or destroys an antigen

roles of memory cells

make the antibodies that kill antigens


medication that contains a dead or weakened pathogen or material of a pathogen. prompts an immune response

HIV damage to immune system

will only reproduce one time in a helper t cell

body's first line of defense

muccus and skin

function of digestive system and organs

digestion and absorption

bile production and storage location

bile is a liquid that digests fat that is made by the liver but stored in the gull bladder

villi role in absorption

where nutrients enter the blood stream

chemical digestion location and example

digestive enzyme (amylase) breaks carbohydrates down into sugar

fat soluble vitamins

A D E and K

role of peristalis

pushes food into the stomach

function of circulatory system

delivery of oxygen, nutrient molecules, and hormones

location of ventricles and atria

lower chamber

thickness of heart walls


function of capillaries, arteries, and veins

transport blood

label heart diagram


location of oxgenated and deoxygenated blood


hemoglobin function

carries oxygen from lungs to the tissues of the body

red blood cells function

transports oxygen and co2

white blood cells function

destroy bacteria and viruses


carries vitamins, minerals, amino acids, glucose, and hormones to body, brings waste to kidney and lungs


form blood clots

function of nervous system

transmits signals between different parts of the body

parts of nervous system

spinal cord/brain, nerves

label parts of a neuron

axon terminals, schwann's cells, axon, node of ronvier, myelin sheath, nucleus, cell body

function of neuron parts

axon terminals: transmitters, schwann's cells: make myelin, axon: conducting fiber, myelin sheath: insulating layer fatty layer that speeds transmission

right/left side of brain roles

each side represents the opposite side of the body

motor neuron function

carry information from central nervous system to muscles and glands

neurotransmitter function

transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell

function of myelin sheath

to insulate and speed up transmission of action potentials

role of eyes

to see

role of ears

to hear

role of skin

respond to movement, heat, and pain