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21 Cards in this Set

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Transfer of rights and duties under a contract

Attorney in fact

Person authorized to perform certain acts for another under a power of attorney

Bilateral contract

Obligates both parties to perform in accordance w the terms of the contract

Buyer brokerage agreement

Employment contract w a buyer

Community development district

Independent special district created by law to service the long term needs of its community


Parties have the legal capacity to contract, no mental defects and are of legal age to contract


Agreement between 2 or more parties to do a legal act for a consideration which creates certain rights and obligations

Enforceable contract

Legally binding contract that the law will recognize

Exclusive agency listing

Given to one broker but the seller reserves the right to sell the property without paying a commission

Exclusive right of sale listing

Listing given to one broker who is assured of a commission no matter who sells


Intent to misrepresent a material fact or to deceive in order to gain an unfair advantage or to harm another person

Good consideration

Promise that cannot be measured in terms of money

Homeowners associations

Responsible for the operation of a community in which the voting membership is made up of parcel owners, membership is a mandatory condition of parcel ownership. Association is authorized to impose assessments that if unpaid may become a lien on the parcel

Liquidated damages

Amount specified in the contract to be paid to the seller in case of default by the buyer

Meeting of the minds

Reaching an agreement on all terms in a contract


Untrue statement of fact or the concealment of a material fact

Net listing

Created when a seller agrees to sell a property for a stated acceptable minimum amount


Substitution of a new party for the original one

Open listing

Listing given to any number of brokers

Option contract

Unilateral contract to keep open for a specified period of time an offer to sell or lease real property

Parol contract

Oral agreement