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32 Cards in this Set

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What is artificial insemination?
a reproductive technology that includes collecting sperm from a male and injecting it into a female; widely used to breed farm animals, especially dairy cattle
What are assisted reproductive technologies?
technologies that are used to achieve fertilization and pregnancy; most assisted reproductive technologies include removing egg cells from a woman's body, fertilizing them, and then placing the embryos in the uterus
What is a blastula?
a hollow ball of cells about 1.5mm in diameter that forms after the second week of embryonic development
What is differentiation?
in humans, the process in which cell layers will eventually form the organs and tissues of a baby
What is the diploid number?
two sets of chromosomes (2n); the diploid number for a human cell is 46 (2x23)
What is the ectoderm?
the outside layer of the gastrula; cells in this layer will form skin and the nervous system
What is an embryo?
the stage of a multicellular organism that develops from a zygote
What is embryonic development?
early development of a multicellular organism following fertilization
What is the endoderm?
the inner layer of the gastrula; cells in this layer will form the lungs, liver, and the lining of the digestive
What is external fertilization?
fertilization in which a sperm cell and an egg cell unite outside the bodies of the parents
What is the fertilization?
the process during which an egg cell is penetrated by a sperm cell and the haploid genetic information of both male and female gametes combine
What is the fetus?
the stage of a multicellular organism that develops from an embryo
What are gametes?
specialized cells necessary for reproduction; in animals, male gametes are called sperm cells and female gametes are called egg cells
What is the gastrula?
the stage of a developing embryo in which the cells of the blastula organize into three layers
What is genetic diversity?
inherited genetic differences in a species that give many organisms a survival advantage
What is the haploid number?
each set of inherited chromosomes, half the diploid number (n); humans inherit one set of 23 chromosomes from their female parent and one set of 23 chromosomes from their male parent
What are homologous chromosomes?
a pair of matching chromosomes
What is in vitro fertilization?
technology used to treat specific fertility problems by fertilizing an egg cell in a petri dish
What is independent assortment?
an event in meiosis I in which homologous pairs of chromosomes separate and sort themselves into daughter cells; a shuffling of genes that contributes to variation and genetic diversity
What is internal fertilization?
fertilization in which sperm cells are deposited inside the female's body where they meet egg cells
What is a karyotype?
a photomicrograph that shows the number of chromosomes a person has, as well as their size and shape, prepared by cutting and pasting chromosomes taken from body cells during mitosis; used to diagnose genetic disorders
What is mating?
the process by which gametes arrive in the same place at the same time
What is meiosis?
the process that produces gametes with half the number of chromosomes as body cells
What is the mesoderm?
the middle layer of the gastrula; cells in this layer will form the kidneys, skeleton, muscles, blood vessels, and reproductive organs
What is the morula?
a ball of cells of about 0.2mm in diameter that forms after the first week of embryonic development
What are ovules?
the female plant structures that contain the egg cells
What is pollen?
plant structures called grains that carry the sperm cells in a protective case to the ovules
What is a pollen tube?
a structure that delivers sperm cells to egg cells in plants; formed after pollen lands on the female part of a plant
What is pollination?
the transfer of male gametes in pollen from the male reproductive part of a plant to the female reproductive part of a plant
What is sexual reproduction?
reproduction that requires two parents and produces offspring that are genetically different from each other, from either parent, and from any other member of their species
What is a syndrome?
a particular disease or disorder with a specific group of symptoms that occur together
What is a zygote?
the new diploid (Zn) cell formed by the process of fertilization, which receives half its chromosomes from its female parent and half from its male parent