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15 Cards in this Set

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Psychotic Disorder
one or more of - delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or thought, disorganized or catatonic behavior
six months or more at least two - delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or, negative symptoms
3 sutypes of Schizophrenia
1) Positive
delusions and hallucinations
2) Negative
restriction in the range and intensity of emotions and other functions and often include affective flattening. alogia (poverty of thought and speech, and avolition (resstrcted intiation of goal-directed behvior).
3) Disorganized
some consider key feature of schizo. manifesteed as incoherence, loose associations, disheveled, agitated, catatonic
5 subtypes of Schizophrenia basis of predominant symptoms
1) Paranoid Type - perocccupation with one or more delusions - strongest familial link and most favorable prognosis
2) Disorganized Type - speech, disorganized bheavior and flat or inappripiate affect. delusions and hallucinations not fragmented into theme.
3) Catatonic Type -motoric immobility, escessive motoractivity, extreme negativism or mutism,
4) Undifferentiated Type - do not meet criteria for specific type.
5) Residual Type - person is not currently exhibiting prominent delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or disorganized behavior but has had such symtpoms in the past and continues to display egative or attenuated positive syptoms (eccentirc speech, odd beliefs)
Type I and II Schizophrenia
type I - positive symptoms - relativily good premorbid funcitoning and favorbale respons to traditional antipsychotic drugs believed to be due to neurotransmitter abnormalities.
Type II negative symptoms with relativly poor prmorbid adjustment and poor respns to traditional antipsychotic - structural brain abnormatlites.
Gender, age, and culture - schizophrenia
slightly higher for males, modal age onsset between 18-25 males 25-35 females.
Course/Prognosis Schizophrenia
chronic and complete remission rare. - over time positive symptoms decrease, while negative increase.
Etiology - Schizophrenia
genetic component provided by twin and adoption studies risk higher amont the first biological relatives of peole with disorder. general adult population .5% to 1.5%.
Dopamine Hypothesis - schizoprenia
was mostly accepted saying that schizophrenia is due to elevated dopamine levels or oversensitive dopamine receptors. NOW modified finding elevated levels of NOREPINEPHRINE and SEROTONIN and LOW leves of GABA and glutamate.
Treatment - Schizophrenia
antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs most important development. antipsychotic drugs enhanced with psychosocial interventions.
Expressed Emotion - Schizophrenia
associated with igh relapse an hospitilazation due to family expressing emotions too much criticim.
Schizophreniform Disorder
criteria identiical to schizophrenia except disturbance is present for at least one month but less than six months. and impaired social/occupational funciong not required.2/3 eventually recieve diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
Delusional Disorder
one or more nonbizarre delusions that last at least one month.. overall psychosocial funcitonig is not markely impaired..disturbance in functiong has to do with delusions...leaving job becasue paranoid.
Subtypes of Delusional disorder..Erotomanic, Grandiose, Jealous, Persecutory, Somatic
Erotomatic - belief somone is reomatically in love with the individual
Grandiose - individual has grate but unrecognized talent or insight
Jealous - lover or spouse unfaithful
Persecutory - indivudual is being conspired against , cheted, spied
Somatic - bodily funcitongs or sensation is central theme.
Brief Psychotic Disorder
delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or grossly disorgianised catatonic behavior present for at least one day but less than one month - usually followed by stressor.