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123 Cards in this Set

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Tactical positions and call signs

SAU minimum staffing

8 officers per squad and 1 SGT per shift

When does standby start and end?

Standby starts at 0601 and ends the next day at 0600

How often do you have to pass the SAU physical fitness test?

Each quarter

How many times can you retake the physical test?

Once per week until 5 consecutive failures

When can we use emergency lights? 5

-To gain rapid access into a tactical scene

-When it would serve to enhance the safety of officers and citizens by providing identification and as a warning to oncoming traffic during tactical events on the roadway

-When enroute to barricades or other emergency situation when a rapid response is required

- To identify SAU vehicles as police vehicles when assisting marked units with felony stops or during other high risk incidents

- To meet the standard required under title 28 as an emergency vehicle

11 vehicle techniques used by SAU

-Street jump

-Grappler vehicle immobilization device


-Overtake/force veh off roadway

-Box/surround moving veh (modified street jump)

-Block roadway for traffic control

-Vehicle interdiction

-Stop sticks

-Airborne use of force

-Deployment of 37mm from moving veh

-Discharging firearms from moving veh

What is a level 1 grenadier?


Assists in overseeing chemical munitions program

What is a level 2 grenadier?


2 per squad

Define a distraction device

A distraction device produces a loud bang with a brilliant light which causes confusion and disorientation to the suspect

When can a distraction device be used? 4

-Barricade suspect/ hostage situation

- High risk search warrant

- Distract a suspect to allow apprehension or deny access to an area

- Other situations where the use of a distraction device may increase the safety of officers or the public

Who is called when a distraction device fails to detonate?

Bomb squad

What is the primary concern during a barricade/ hostage situation?

Preservation of life

What needs to be done during mobilization to a barricade? 10

- Set staging area

- Advise route to location

- Intel gathering (crime, weapons,history, last time seen)

- Scout Location

- Negotiations team requested

- Take over inner perimeter

- Assess needs of outer perimeter

- Request assistance as needed ( air unit, Bear/Bearcat, canine)

- Notify Car 958 fire on standby

- Request assistance from other agencies/bureaus as needed

What is the purpose of breaching?

To gain access to a structure or vehicle using the tools available to the members of the Special Assignments Unit

What are the 8 breaching methods?








Vehicular breaching techniques

Name the 8 Manuel breaching tools


Sledge hammer


Pry bars

Bolt cutters


Trauma shears

Break and rake

What is ballistic breaching?

The method of breaching which utilizes the breaching shotgun and breach ammunition to achieve it's primary task

How will the breaching shotgun be carried? 5

Chamber empty

Magazine tube full

On safe


Sidesaddle full

Name the 4 mechanical breaching tools

Gator bolt/lock cutter

Broco Mini breaching saw

Gas powered cut off saw


Define mechanical breaching

Any method of breaching which utilizes small combustion engines, electric motors, or electro hydraulic actuators to perform the work

What is the purpose of explosive breaching?

To create a positive breach into a structure or vehicle that is fortified or poses a high violence potential upon entry

When will explosive breaching be considered but not limited to...4

-Hostage rescue

-Crisis entry

-High risk search/ arrest warrant

(Requires a no knock clause)

-Arrest of a subject during a barricade situation when other means are not safe or practical

What can we use the armour vehicle for? 5

- To deploy rescue,cover and support officers into dangerous areas

- To house emergency medical personnel and equipment

- To evacuate citizens with in a hostile area and shuttle equip/supplies

- To provide cover for officers during high risk operations

- As part of a CAT during dignitary protection

What is SAU motto?

In omnia Paratus (Always Prepared)

SAU inception and birthday?

April 1969

April 24th

5 incidents that require the expertise of SAU?

- High risk search warrant

- High angle/ rescue operations

- Incidents requiring the use of night vision devices and tools

- Incidents requiring SCBA response

- Dignitary protection

What is SAU 3 general objectives?

- Provide timely response to tactical events for the patrol division

- Successful management of various tactical situations including those involving hostage and/or barricaded subjects

- The apprehension of high violence potential or high profile criminals

SAU mission statement

The mission of the Special Assignments Unit is to provide tactical support to precincts and bureaus by responding to unplanned tactical events, executing high risk search warrants, apprehending dangerous criminals, and assisting with incidents requiring specialized expertise and equipment

Explain the Robotex Avatar II (5)

- Unit has 2

- Full audio and video capability

- Trac style, can navigate stairs and rough terrain

- Multiple low light cameras, built in white light and IR

- Has an arm

What are the 9 levels of use of force?


Verbal persuasion

Soft empty hand


Chemical weapons

Electronic control device

Intermediate control techniques

Carotid control technique

Deadly force

6 exceptions to a search warrant

Search incident to arrest

Plain view

Exigent circumstances



Stop and frisk

9 arrest techniques/options


Street jump

Surveillance arrest

High risk stop

Warrant entry

Surround and call out


Trojan horse

Breach and call out

4 elements of force





What is preclusion?

All other alternatives have been reasonably considered and cannot be employed in a safe manner based on the totality of the circumstances the employee or others are facing

5 intermediate control techniques

Hard empty hand control

Impact weapons

Stunbag/ ARWEN



What is the ARS code for the use of deadly force?


Day time hours for a search warrant

0631- 2159

Night time hours for a search warrant


8 reasons SAU would serve a Search warrant

- Occupants are armed or possibly armed

- Occupants are in a street/prison gang

- Occupants are suspects in a violent crime

- Occupants are know to be a suicide risk

- Location is fortified

- Manpower needs extension due to size of location

- Manpower needs are not met with existing resources

- Anything that would be deemed high risk

13 reasons for search and seizure

- A valid search warrant

- Probable cause arrest

- A valid arrest warrant

- Incidental to a lawful arrest

- Exigent circumstances

- Investigative detention/ stop and frisk

- Vehicle exception

- Plain view

- Consent

- Protective sweep

- Inventory

- Curtilage/open field

- Abandoned property

What is plain view?

Officer sees an item that he believes is crime related and is in a lawful position to access it

What is open view?

Officer sees an item he believes is crime related but is not in a lawful position to access it

What are the 4 reasons for search based on exigent circumstances?

- Response to an emergency (medical,fire, bomb scare)

- Hot pursuit of a felony suspect

- Possibly of violence (HRT,DV,261)

- Probability of destruction of evidence

5 Stunbag/ARWEN target areas


Lower abdomen



Back(excluding the spinal cord)

4 non target areas for Stunbag/ARWEN





7 planned tactical events

Search warrant

High risk stop

Street jump

Felony arrest


Vehicle assault

Buy bust

What is the OPS orders regarding use of force?


SAU's primary rifle

Daniel Defense DDM4V4 SBR carbine

What does T.E.D.D. stand for?





What is passive surveillance

- Used when pursuit is not permitted

- Initiated by supervisor

- patrol is no longer authorized to participate

What are the principals of CQB?



Violence of action

What are the 4 elements of an arrest?



Seizure or detention


What are the two authorized sniper rifles?

Surgeon CSR 308 591 SA

Surgeon 1582 XL Repeater

Ai a Mkii chassis

Night force optic

Atlas bipod

AWC suppressor

Describe the pepperball gun

Pepperball VKS system

VXR live-x pava powder

VXR inert

Glass breaker

10 round mag

Non lethal system

Where are the bang poles located?

Bear and bearcat

Describe the ARWEN

Anti riot weapon Enfield

37 mm 5 rounds

Less lethal

MRO optic

Self winding

Response to level 1 terrorism hit

Arrest subject

What does SCBA stand for?

Self contained breathing apparatus

What is tactical surveillance?

Surveillance operation conducted by the air unit and supported by TSB personnel in an unmarked capacity

Who can issue a code gamma?

Unit LT

What does SAU emblem mean?

- SAU in red- speed, boldness, power and decisiveness of action, ultimate sacrifice ( blood of SAU)

- Sword- readiness, warrior spirit, and mastery of weapons

- Wings- dualistic protection and wisdom received by god

What brand of suppressor is used on the Daniel Defense DDM4V4?


What amount of force will be used to enter a building?

The amount of force used to enter a building in compliance with the search and arrest laws and procedures must be reasonable under the circumstances

8 unplanned tactical events

Fleeing/hiding suspect


Active shooter

Crisis entry

Attempt suicide

Mental health detention order

Homicide bomber


During phase 2 of a barricade it will be handle in what two categories?



Minimum amount of vehicles needed for traditional and untraditional street jump?

Traditional- 4 with 1 van if possible

Untraditional- 3 with 1 vehicle with grappler

What does code gamma mean?

The shot is to be taken at first opportunity

What is the purpose of phase 1 of a barricade?



Verbal persuasion

Describe the recon robotics Recon Scout XT

Small,low noise

Built in low light camera and IR

Real time video

Cannot navigate stairs or rough terrain

Squad assigned 2

6 types of resistance


Verbal non compliance

Passive resistance

Defensive resistance

Active aggression

Aggravated active aggression

Per 13-1915B what is necessary to retrieve a no knock warrant?

The affiant must show a reasonable belief that an announced entry would endanger the safety of officers or others

What is the purpose of phase two of the barricade plan?




3 reasons to justify the use of deadly force

- to defend himself or a third party from what he believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force

- to effect the arrest or prevent the escape from custody of a person

1. Has or threatened to use a felony with a deadly weapon

2. Attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon

3. Past knowledge that the subject has been violent or will be if not apprehended

4. To suppress a riot when a subject participating with a deadly weapon

List the 5 situation when explosive breaching may be used?

- Hostage rescue

- High risk search warrant

- Rescue trapped officer or citizen

- Arrest of an armed suspect during a barricade situation when other means are not practical

What is the OPS orders regarding firearms?


What is the ARS code for mental health detention order?


What are the three robots used by SAU?

- Recon robotics Recon Scout XT

- Robotex Avatar II

- ARA Point man

What flashbangs does SAU carry and describe

- CTS bang

- Non reloadable

- 1.5 sec delay

- 2 per operator

- CTS 9 bang

- 2 per squad in utility truck

What are the 4 ARWEN rounds?

- AR1 less lethal on people

- AR3 gas rounds

- AR5 BP gas round

- AR5/P inert BP


Blue- CS

What does a flashbang do?

It produces a loud band with a brilliant light Which causes confusion and disorientation to the suspect

When should a street jump be used?

- potential of pursuit exist

- suspect is unaware

- enough resources (veh/personal)

- favorable conditions

When can a flashbang be used?

Whenever a diversion is necessary to enable an entry, arrest, or tactical plan to be effected

- Barricade suspect or HRT

- High risk search warrant

- Distracting a subject to allow apprehension or deny access to an area

- Other situations where the use of a distraction device may increase the safety of the officers or publy

Describe Team Work

- Contributing to the direction and goal of the group

- Mission first

- Do more than expected

- Self Sacrifice , putting the needs of the group before yourself

What are the four firearm safety rules?

- Treat all weapons as if they are loaded

- Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy

- Keep your finger straight along the frame and off of the trigger till you are on Target and have decided to fire

- Know your target and the back drop

What is Tactical surveillance?

- TSB supervisor takes command

- approved units SAU, FAID, K9, Street crimes, Air Unit

- frequency change

- patrol will not be involved

5 reasons to initiate Tac Surveillance

- Pursuit not authorized

- Pursuit becomes to dangerous

- Pursuit crosses precinct boundaries

- When flight is expected

- When SP is unaware of officers and it will increase the rate of success

What is active observation mode?

- Pursuit is authorized

- Supervisor initiated

- Air unit overhead and marked units out of site

- Air unit coordinates arrest plan

What at the 9 force response options?


Verbal persuasion

Soft empty hand


Chemical agents

Electronic control device

Intermediate control techniques

Carotid control

Deadly force

Name tactics that can be used during a pursuit 6

Stop sticks



Traffic control

Tactical surveillance

Air unit support

What is required to perform a protective sweep?

A legal reason to be at or in the location and exigent circumstances

Name the 6 task that SAU are available for

- Emergency medical tech assistance

- Dignitary protection

- High risk search warrant entry

- Hostage negotiation/barricade resolution

- Sniper control

- Criminal apprehension/street jumps

How many days till a search warrant expires?

5 calendar days

How many days do you have to return a served search warrant?

Within 3 court business days of execution

What are the 3 surveillance modes?




Response to a level 2 terrorism hit


What is the primary concern of all barricade hostage situations?

Preservation of life

2 types of arrest

-With a warrant

-Probable cause

May officers enter a suspects residence with an arrest warrant?

Yes, if officers have probable cause to believe it is the suspects residence and a reasonable belief that the suspect is inside

Define preclusion

All other alternatives have been reasonably considered and cannot be employed in a safe manner based on the totality of the circumstances of nthe employee or other are facing

What can operators deploy flashbangs from?

ATS trigger pouch

What are the SGT for each squad?

S51- Jeff Clement

S52- Dave Seitter

S53- Eric Miner

S54- Mike Penn

S59- Jason Jahnke

Who is the father of SAU?

Lt Charles Blaine

Only line of duty death in SAU?

Errol "Rusty" Hawkins

What shotgun is authorized for breaching?

Remington 870 Breaching shotgun

How many rappel technicians per squad?

2 minimum

Who is trained to be a rappel operator?

All active unit members

When will AUF be considered? 5

1. Active fire from suspect or threats from an elevated position

2. Interception and neutralization of vehicles

3. Provide cover for specialized ground operations such as

- Transport of high profile suspect or drug loads

- Riots/demonstration

- Large area search for armed suspect

- High risk entry into fortified/large properties

4. Deployment of chemical munitions in specialized situations

5. Anytime AUF will assist in the resolution of an incident involving SAU

What are the 3 ways SAU could be involved in a protective detail?

1. Primary responsibility for protection of principal

2. Assistance of another bureau, detail or agency in conducting a protective detail

3. Shared responsibility with another bureau, detail nor agency

What is the laser system assigned for the primary rifle?


What laser is assigned for the Surgeon sniper rifle?


What night vision system is assigned for the sniper rifle?

FLIR systems Magnum universal night sights (MUNS)

What shotgun is authorized for SAU to carry as a weapons system?

Remington 870 police magnum

What are 6 consideration whether or not to use night vision?

- Ambient lighting conditions

- Advantage of using the NVS

- The need for absolute stealth

- The limited field of view

- Depth preception problems

- Inability to distinguish colors

What night vision system is assigned to each Operator?

MUM-14 monocular

How many video scopes does the unit have?

2 Zistos video scopes

How many attic cams does the unit have?

Each squad has an assigned camera

What is the thermal imaging system and how many does the unit have?

FLIR i7 thermal imager

Each squad has one

When will SAU deploy with SCBA? 8

1. Known or suspected clandestine drug lab

2. Known or suspected chemical storage facility

3. Known or suspected chemical, nuclear or biological threats present

4. Inhalation hazard is possible

5. Oxygen deprivation possible

6. Smoke inhalation may be a consideration

7. When directed by an SAU supervisor

8. When recommend by fire, hygienist, safety division,or hazmat personnel

4 subject types reference barricade





What level of cause is needed for a protective sweep?

Probable cause exist to search

Probable exist to believe someone is inside who is aware of items to be sized,imminent police search, and person is involved and may destroy evidence

What does Graham vs Connor tell us?

An objective reasonableness standard should apply to free citizens that law officers used excessive force in the course of making an arrest, investigative stop, or any other seizure of a person

What are the 10 crimes under 13-411 that justify the use of force to prevent a crime?

Arson of an occupied structure

Burglary, first or second degree



First degree murder

Sexual conduct with a minor

Sexual assault

Child molestation

Armed robbery

Aggravated assault sub section A1 and A2