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34 Cards in this Set

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What Mafs are required for an Engine Removal and Replacement?

Thermal Cycle TQ’s

High Speed Shaft Initial TQ’s

High Speed Shaft 3-13 TQ’s

Perform NSV

Perform HSS Balance

Install Ground Vibes

What are some things you can do for Failed HIT Checks

Inspect Anti Ice

60 hr (B & B)

Boroscope the engine

What signatures are required on the W&B Form F

Computed By

Weight and Balance Authority


How long is a Form F good for?

180 Days (6 months)

The MMCO can re sign the Form F and it is good for an additional 90 days,

How do you order a repairable component against an aircraft in PMI? (PROJECT/Priority)

Project Code 730 Priority 03

What is required when the aircraft incurs winds of 70+ knots

High winds over 70 knots conditional inspection

Give some reasons as to why we would fly an FCF pro A

30 Day no fly

Aircraft Acceptance

Post IMP

What reasons would you fly an FCF D Profile?

AFCS/AFCC Computer change out

Dual EGI replacement

Line Shack services the #1 engine. When they come in to fill out the Consumption Record, the consumption is over the 4.5 oz per flight hour limit. What do you do?

You fill up the engine to the top bolts. You mark where the fill point is. Then turn the aircraft for 60 minutes. Upon shut down you wait 20 minutes and then check the engine oil level again. Then use the math formula in the 220-200 to find out what the consumption rate it.

What is the priority code for Down aircraft parts?


What project code do you use for partial mission capable parts?


What Project priority code is used for ALSS/PR Gear?

ZK3 (03 or 06)

What project code do you use to order TD Kits?


Line shack is performing Fuel Samples. They find they have a bad sample. What is the procedure they should follow

Wait 1 hour. Re take Fuel Samples. If that sample comes back bad you notify maintenance. You will have to drain the tank and re fuel. The samples get turned into QA for investigation.

How long is a Daily Inspection good for?

72 hours or 24 hours after commencement of the first flight. Whichever comes first.

How long is a Turnaround Inspection good for?

24 hours or the end of the first flight/Hot seat. Whichever comes first.

The helicopter comes back from a mission and there is blood in the cabin and on the SAR gear. What do you do as a Controller?

Initiate the conditional inspection for Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, or Nuclear contamination

The aircraft returns from flight and has no outside port cabin door handle. As a Controller, what do you do?

Start the process for a TFOA

During spin up the EGI’s will not align or completely load prior to flight. As a Controller, what is your recommendation to the Pilot?

The aircraft is partial with an EOC of L

The aircraft lands and shuts down. Shortly after the aircraft is shut down, the OIC comes into MAINTENANCE telling you he needs that aircraft for a SAR mission. The aircraft requires post flight maintenance and a 30 hour. What do you tell him.

Respectfully, the aircraft is not safe for flight and needs to have maintenance performed prior to its relaunch.

How do you screen an ADB prior to the aircrafts launch?

Follow the Safe for Flight checklist for screening the ADB

What does HIT Stand for in relation to HIT Checks?

Health Indicator Test

What Project code is used for work stoppage?


What EOC applies to the aircraft when we cannot perform SAR missions day or night?


What are some reasons an aircraft would have an aircraft with an EOC of H

AFCS (Coupled Hover Req.)

Extended Range Fuel Tank

Rescue Hoist

Search light/Landing Light/ Hoist light (2 of 3 Required)

Hoist Station ICS

Litter Management system

Who is the Maintenance Control Program Manager?


Can you combine an operational flight with an FCF?

Yes, provided it is authorized by the CO, the FCF checklist is completed prior to the operation portion of flight and all FCF equipment is removed from the aircraft.

What is the Project priority code for High Time components?


Upon Return from a flight the pilot tells you that there wasn’t any issues in flight. The collective was a bit hard to maneuver at times but it wasn’t an issue. As a controller, what are you going to do?

Initiate a binding flight controls conditional inspection

Upon Return from a flight the pilot tells you that there wasn’t any issues in flight. The collective was a bit hard to maneuver at times but it wasn’t an issue. As a controller, what are you going to do?

Initiate a binding flight controls conditional inspection

What is required when you remove and replace a servo?

Hydraulic Samples

Upon Return from a flight the pilot tells you that there wasn’t any issues in flight. The collective was a bit hard to maneuver at times but it wasn’t an issue. As a controller, what are you going to do?

Initiate a binding flight controls conditional inspection

What is required when you remove and replace a servo?

Hydraulic Samples

What are the two most important aspects in Naval Aviation?

Aircraft Acceptance and the release of an aircraft Safe for flight