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102 Cards in this Set

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Early Chinese traders who visited Mindoro called our nation


Ma-yi means

Land of gold

name given by Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek mapmaker, in his ancient map.


Who is the Greek map maker who named the Philippines maniolas in his ancient map

Claudius Ptolemy

name given by Magellan to our nation in 1521.

Archipelago of St. Lazarus

Spanish explorer named Ruy Lopez de Villalobos gave this name in honor of King Philip II.


– popular nickname for the Philippines. This was romantic name given to our country by two famous writers: Fr. Juan J. Delgado (in 1751), Dr. Jose Rizal

Pearl of the Orient Seas

Who gave the name pearl of the Orient seas to the Philippines

-Fr. Juan J. Delgado

-Dr. Jose Rizal

Philippines is located in

Southeastern Asia

Philippines is composed of how many islands

7641 Islands

Philippines is part of---- which is composed of active volcanoes

Western Pacific Arc System

Geographic coordinates of the Philippines

13 00 N, 122 00 E

Capital city of the Philippines


Total land area of the Philippines

300 000 sqkm

Largest island in the philippines


Second largest island in the philippines


Land area of luzon

105 000 sqkm

Land area of mindanao

95000 sqkm

According to CNN Philippines there are how many new islands in the country


Some of these new discovered islands were not in the Philipppine map before and most of these islands are in


With the new technology - - - - - - they were able to detect these new islands, and the new Philippine map will be released.

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture radar

Three (3) prominent bodies of water surround the Philippines:

-Pacific Ocean (east)

-West Philippine Sea (west)

-Celebes Sea (south)

Shape of the philippines

Elongated archipelago

Area of the philippines

115 830 sqmiles

Coastline of the philippines

22 549 miles

Length of the philippines

1150 miles SSE-NNW

Width of the Philippines

660 miles ENE-WSW

Neighboring Countries of the philippines





-Hong Kong







Surrounding Bodies of water in the Philippines

-North=Luzon Strait

-East=Philippine Sea

-West=West Philippine Sea

-South=Celebes Sea

Is Philippines mostly mountainous?


True or false: all islands in the Philippines prone to earthquake


Lowest point in the Philippines

Philippine sea: Philippine Deep

Highest point in the philippines

Mount Apo

Height of Mount Apo

9691 ft

Climate in the philippines

-Hot and Dry



Hot and Dry climate occurs when

March to May

Rainy climate occurs when

June to October

Cool climate occurs whwn

November to february

Humidity in the philippines


3 groups of islands in the philippines




11 main islands of the philippines













There are how many volcanoes on the philippines


How many are the active volcanoes in the philippines


Majority of the active volcanoes are located in


Volcanoes in luzon








Volcanoes in Visayas






Volcanoes in mindanao



Series of interconnected seismic plates that causes volcanic eruptions and earthquakes

Pacific rim of fire

Positive Filipino Values


-Damayan System



-Fun loving Trait






-Respect for Elders



-Utang na Loob

Negative Filipino Values

-Bahala na attitude

-Colonial Complex

-Crab Mentality

-Filipino Time


-Gaya-Gaya Attitude

-Jackpot Mentality


-Manana Habit

-Ningas Kugon



-Lack of sportsmanship

-Tsamba lang attitude

It is the study of the past


Who stated “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

George Santayana

Deals with the study of past events


History come from the Greek word


Historia means

Inquiry or Kniwledge

As the systematic accounting of a set of natural phenomena, that is taking into consideration the chronological arrangement of the account.


Persons who writes history


Theories in investigating history

-Factual History

-Speculative History

Presents readers the plain and basic information vis-à-vis the events that took place, and the people that were involved.

Factual History

Factual History answers what type of questions





Facts which is concerned about the reasons for which events happened.

Speculative History

Tries to speculate the cause and effect of an event

Speculative History

Speculative History answers what type of question



The process of historical Writing


The writing of history


Process of critically examining and analyzing the records and survivals of the past.

Historical Method

Imaginative reconstruction of the past from the data derived by that process (historiography).

Historical Method

In historical analysis what is used

Research method

Steps in historical analysis

1. Select the subject to investigate. 2. Collect probable sources of information. 3. Examine the sources genuineness. 4. Extract credible particulars from the sources.

Historical data are sourced from


A Spanish ship that sank on Dec 14 1600

San Diego

How many was the casualties if the San Diego sinking


When did the San Diego shipwreck was discovered


Where does the San Diego shipwreck was discovered

Fortune Island in Nasugbu Batangas

In the San Diego shipwreck what are retrieved





It is used to determine local time and latitude, measure the angle of stars and the location and position of the sun, moon, and planets


Written sources of history

-Narrative or Literacy

-Diplomatic or Juridical

-Social Documents

Are chronicles or tracts presented in narrative form, written to impart a message whose motives for their composition vary widely.

Narrative or Literacy

Document/record an existing legal situation or create a new one.

Diplomatic or Juridical

Are information pertaining to economic, social, and political or judicial significance.

Social Documents

Non-written sources of history

-Material Evidence

-Oral Evidence

Also known as archeological evidences

Material Evidence

Tales, folk songs, popular rituals, interviews

Oral Evidence

Original, firsthand account of an event or period that are usually written or made during or close to the event or period

Primary Sources

Materials made by people long after the events being described had taken place to provide valuable interpretations of historical events.

Secondary sources

Whole history of the oast


Surving records of history


The truth, authenticity, plausibility about a past






Historians deals with

-human testimonies

-Physical traces

History is a subjective or objective process?

Subjective Process

The becoming

Dynamic or genetic

The being


Explaining why and how things are happened


Telling what happened, when, where, and who took part


Writing about the lives of saints


Public speech or published text in praise of someone or something


Purest and the best written source

Diplomatic or Juridical sources

How many islands were inhabited


How many islands were no name


Most active volcano on the philippines


2nd most active volcano in ph

Taal volcano