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45 Cards in this Set

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The philosophy that a particular knowledge can only be true if it can be observed in a sensoria manner


The study of history as a historical discipline


The belief that history should be studied only for its own sake


Was derived from the greek word Historia


What is the greek word of History


It means the knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation


How many years that history existed

2,400 years

It became known as the account of the past of a person or a group of people through written documents and historical evidence


History can refer to two things. What are these?

History related to everything thing that had happened in the past

History also refers to a kind of research or inquiry

Is a discipline or a field of study and investigation that is primarily concerned with human activities in the past


What are the three dimension about the meaning of history

1. History’s focus on human activities

2. History is a field of inquiry, generally falls in the sciences, particularly to the social sciences

3. History is concerned with the past

What are the three dimension about the meaning of history

1. History’s focus on human activities

2. History is a field of inquiry, generally falls in the sciences, particularly to the social sciences

3. History is concerned with the past

They seek to explain past events and processes against a particular historical background or context


Is an essential philosophy that would serve as a vital anchor of the scientific method


What does the mantra that Positivism created?

“No document, no history”

Is the history of history


Is essential for anyone who studies history because it teaches students to be critical with history lessons presented to them


The leading positivist historian of the nineteenth century, was the primary advocate of this idea

Leopold von Ranke

What is the task of the historian according to Ranke

To bring the past back to life

What is the aim of history that Ranke popularly declared?

“Merely to show how things actually were”

What are the nations who prescribe official version of their history

North Korea, Nazi Germany and Thailand

A british who said that “knowing yourself means knowing what you can do”

Historian R.G. Collingwood

Is concerned with the divine and not with human beings


What does historian call this kind of history that these stories tell us of their society’s past, they were concerned with the affairs of nonhuman entities like deities and mythical heroes and heroines


Primarily responsible for the production of the historical knowledge through continuous research and rethinking of history


Making sense of given primary sources and historical documents through content and contextual analyses

Historical interpretation

Making sense of given primary sources and historical documents through content and contextual analyses

Historical interpretation

A disposition brought together by one’s context that influences a historians historical interest a selection of sources and methodology


Is an obscure and strange image for those who did not have the chance to have a closer study of history.


He stated that a historical fact is something that is determined by the historian

Edward Hallett Carr

Historical sources that were produced and created in the same period as the historical subject being studied

Primary sources

Historical sources that were produced and created in the same period as the historical subject being studied

Primary sources

Historical works that were written and produced through the use of primary sources

Secondary sources

Historical sources that were produced and created in the same period as the historical subject being studied

Primary sources

Historical works that were written and produced through the use of primary sources

Secondary sources

The kind of criticism done to establish the authenticity of a primary source. Internal criticism. The kind of criticism employed in analyzing the content of a primary source.

External criticism

Historical sources that were produced and created in the same period as the historical subject being studied

Primary sources

Historical works that were written and produced through the use of primary sources

Secondary sources

The kind of criticism done to establish the authenticity of a primary source. Internal criticism. The kind of criticism employed in analyzing the content of a primary source.

External criticism

The kind of criticism employed in analyzing the content of a primary source

Internal criticism

Are those sources produce simultaneously as the event,period, Or subject being studied

Primary sources

Are those sources produce simultaneously as the event,period, Or subject being studied

Primary sources

Our sources produced by an author who relied on primary sources to write the material

Secondary sources

Is the practice of verifying evidences authenticityBy examining it’s physical characteristics, consistency with the historical character of the time when it was supposed to be produced, and historical sources materials

External criticism

It is the examination of the content of a particular document

Internal criticism