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It's a space found directly below the pitched roof or a house.

Attics are generally used for storage.


A bedroom is a room in a house for the bed.Its' mainly usted for sleeping.

It must have a door, a closet, and the most rooms have windows.


A bathroom containg a toilet and sink and it can has a shower or a bathtub.

It's where we can take a shower

Nursery room

A room in a house where small children sleep and play.

You can keep the baby necessities.

Office room

It's a private enclosed space specially for people who work from home.

It's should be located away from the other rooms.

Living room

It's a room in a house where is used for entertaining friends, talking, reading or watching television.

Usually has sofas and a TV.

Dining room

It's a room where we can eat the meals

The most of dining rooms have tables and usually are near to the living room


It's a primordial room, where we can cook the meals.

Usually you can find a fridge and a stove.

Laundry room

It's a room where clothes are washed and dried.

Also called utility room.


It's the part of the house is in the lowest level in a home

It's used during the storms and tornadoes


It's where a car is kept, that maybe is part of the house or attached of it.

It's usually has space for one or two cars.