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50 Cards in this Set

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Description of Rose blackspot

Description: Fungal infection of leaves

Damage caused by Rose blackspot

Damage: Dark brown or black spots on leaves, yellow/chlorotic leaves, premature leaf fall

Cultural control of Rose blackspot

Cultural control: Grow resistant cultivars/species, remove and burn infected leaves and prunings

Biological control of Rose blackspot

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Rose blackspot

Chemical control: Contact/systemic fungicide, high volume sprays

Description of Botrytis (grey mould)

Description: Fungal infection occurring in cool, humid or wet conditions

Damage caused by Botrytis

Damage: Grey, mouldy rot of soft tissues, including leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits

Cultural control of Botrytis

Cultural control: Good hygiene, reduced humidity, increased ventilation

Biological control of Botrytis

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Botrytis

Chemical control/method: Contact/systemic fungicide, high volume sprays

Description of Damping off

Description: Soil-borne disease of seedlings which is caused by several different fungi and fungus-like organisms.

Damage caused by Damping off

Damage: Rot leading to collapse and death of roots and lower stem in seedlings

Cultural control of Damping off

Cultural control: Good hygiene, good ventilation, sterile soil media, avoid sowing seeds too densely, avoid excessive wetness

Biological control of Damping off

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Damping off

Chemical control/method: Contact fungicide applied as drench or soil additive

Description of Coral spot

Description: Fungal infection, mild pathogen

Damage caused by Coral spot

Damage: Death of stems, dying back into live wood. Orange pustules appear on surface of infected wood.

Cultural control of Coral spot

Cultural control: Cut out infected areas back to healthy tissue. Prune buds in late winter, in dry weather.

Biological control of Coral spot

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Coral spot

Chemical control/method: None

Description of Honey fungus

Description: Soil-borne fungal infection

Damage caused by Honey fungus

Damage: Infection of roots, leading to death of stems, leaves, and ultimately the entire plant

Cultural control of Honey fungus

Cultural control: Grow resistant species. Dig out and burn infected plants.

Biological control of Honey fungus

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Honey fungus

Chemical control/method: None

Description of Powdery mildew

Description: Fungal infection of soft tissue

Damage caused by Powdery mildew

Damage: Grey moldy infection of foliage, flowers, and fruits; stunted growth and distortion of infected tissue.

Cultural control of Powdery mildew

Cultural control: Grow resistant species/cultivars, cut out and burn early infections, avoid soil dryness, avoid excessive wetness and humidity around foliage.

Biological control of Powdery mildew

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Powdery mildew

Chemical control/method: Contact/systemic fungicides, high volume sprays

Description of Rose rust

Description: Fungal infection of foliage

Damage caused by Rose rust

Damage: Orange pustules on lower leaf surface, yellowing of upper leaf surface, stunted growth.

Cultural control of Rose rust

Cultural control: Grow resistant species/cultivars, cut out and burn infected tissue, remove and burn dead leaves as soon as they fall.

Biological control of Rose rust

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Rose rust

Chemical control/method: Systemic fungicide, high volume spray

Description of Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum)

Description: Fungal-like pathogen affecting a range of woody species

Damage caused by Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum)

Damage: Bleeding cankers (dark red to black sap oozing from the trunk); may progress to the point of girdling the stem, resulting in rapid death of the tree. Symptoms following stem girdling are rapid, uniform death of the crown, with shriveled leaves remaining attached to the stems even after death.

Notifiable disease.

Cultural control of Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum)

Cultural control: Notify FERA (Food Environment Research Agency). Grow resistant species. Burn infected material. Good hygiene practices (sterilize equipment between pruning susceptible plants). Avoid wounding plants to reduce infection possibilities.

Biological control of Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum)

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum)

Chemical control/method: None

Description of Cucumber mosaic virus

Description: A viral infection of cucumbers and tother members of Cucurbitaceae

Damage caused by Cucumber mosaic virus

Damage: General stunting of the plant, with a reduction in yield and distorted fruits. Leaves become mottled with yellow.

Cultural control of Cucumber mosaic virus

Cultural control: Selection fo resistant cultivars, such as Cucumber 'Crispy Salad'. Control of weeds around the garden prevent the virus from surviving on alternative host plants. Aphid control reduces risk of transmission.

Biological control of Cucumber mosaic virus

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Cucumber mosaic virus

Chemical control/method: None

Description of Potato leaf curl virus

Description: Viral infection of potatoes, which can affect or be hosted on other solanaceous plants.

Damage caused by Potato leaf curl virus

Damage: Rolling of lower leaves, sometimes extending to upper foliage. Leaves are often dry and crisp, with brown margins. Plants may be stunted and general crop yield is reduced.

Cultural control of Potato leaf curl virus

Cultural control: Use only certified seed potatoes from reputable distributors. Apply effective aphid control programs to limit the spread of the disease. Control weeds to reduce risk of infection from alternate hosts. Remove and burn infected plants.

Crop rotation.

Biological control of Potato leaf curl virus

Biological control: None

Chemical control/method of application for Potato leaf curl virus

Chemical control/method: None